They Have Made Contact


Back at Maya's apartment, her family was eagerly waiting for her, they were planning on surprising her and indeed she was going to be surprised as the only people she knew waiting for her were her mother and her twin brothers.

"Oh, I can't wait to see her face dad, especially as she thinks you are on-call today." One of the twins mentioned. They all nod at him agreeing.

"Mother, I can't something to wear, they all don't fit," Nadia yells from Maya's bedroom.

"Nadi just makes sure you arrange the clothes or Maya would get mad," Amelia shouted at her daughter.

Her husband walked and kissed her which made the boys in the sitting room look away, if Nadia was there she would have said, "eew!" But the boys always looked away whenever their parents pecked or kissed.

"So Levi and Lewi, what are you doing here?" Roy, their eldest brother asked.

'What are you doing here?" The twins asked at the same time which made Roy roll his eyes, "seriously mom, why didn't I get a twin instead of them, they are annoying."

"Honey, will you." Amelia told her husband and he nodded at her and started telling Roy, "you know how this thing works, it is just that, I…"

"Dad no, eew! Levi and Lewi shouted at the same time.

"Dad we understand you are a doctor but even for you, you are supposed to be scared of what you inform your kids. Okay?" Lewi said and looked at his twin who was nodding profusely.

"But he asked and I had to…"

"Mom found it," Nadia yelled from the bedroom and the twins yelled back, "shut up."

Their parents looked at them and smiled, they both wouldn't believe that they were in the same place at the same time. It was unbelievable and to make it more unbelievable, they didn't plan.

Amelia was in town for business and there was no way she was going to stay in a town while her daughter had an apartment.

Blake was on-call at the hospital he works out in but got called by another hospital to help in surgery and after he finished he decided to come and see his daughter before heading back home.

Levi and Lewi were shooting a movie and they had just decided to come and say hi to their sister.

Roy was in town for a conference and he hadn't even informed anyone and she thought of seeing her sister.

Nadia on the other hand had something important to tell her sister.

So you see, all of them were in town and they all had one person in mind. Maya.

Inside Maya's bedroom, Nadia picked a book that had dropped off from the dress she had found folded perfectly as if it was waiting for an occasion, she didn't mean to find the book but she did. And she became tempted and opened it even after knowing exactly what it was.

She opened it and the first page was written, "Dear Diary…"

She knew it was wrong to read yet she turned the page. The second page had some writing, Nadia looked at the door and then back at the book.

Dear Diary,

Hello there, I am Maya, Maya Smith. You will be my best friend till the end of time. Today is my first day and I have met a boy. He is called Brent, he is cute. He likes me, I think. What is not there to like me? I am likable.

Sorry, didn't mean to brag but I am just saying, I like him too I think we are gonna be great together.

Bye for now.


Nadia smiled and turned the page, it was as if she was reading a book and she had forgotten that it was her sister's diary. She turned to the next page and began,

Dear Diary,

This is day two, I am sad and I am…

A bell was heard, Maya was home, and noises were heard downstairs which made Nadia hurriedly return the book where it was, not knowing that Maya would know that someone had read it. She left the bedroom and run down the stairs hoping she was not making any noise.

She found her family standing at the door and joined them.

Outside, Maya rang the bell again, she wondered what her mother was doing, maybe she was asleep but Levi and Lewi were there, why weren't they opening the door. She lift her hand but before she could ring it, the door was opened and they all yelled, "SURPRISE."

Maya yelped and almost fall but Roy saved her. She looked at him and engulf him in a tight.

Nadia couldn't wait and jumped onto Maya shouting, "hello sis."

"Hey, she is going to fall, let her even take some water," Blake said.

"Daddy." Maya said and looked at her father, she looked at Nadia and asked, "a minute little Nady."

Nadia nodded as when she used to when she was a toddler and they all laughed, Maya hugged her father and they entered the house.

They asked one another how they were doing and started laughing. Maya walked to the kitchen with Amelia and when they found the food had gone cold, Amelia told her daughter, "I have something to tell you." Maya nodded and they walked to the sitting room and informed everyone.

"Let's order," Nadia said with excitement.

"Sure." They all answer. 

"No, let's go out," Nadia said.

"Where?" Roy asked.

The twins answered immediately as if they had been waiting, "Esmeralda Hotel."

Amelia and Blake stared at one another and back at their kids and agreed, what was that?

"Let me go and freshen up," Maya said and went to her bedroom. Arriving at her bedroom, there were clothes everywhere, she smiled and walked to the bathroom, she knew it could be anyone in her family.

Maya showered faster, she was happy that her family was there, leaving the bathroom she found her sister dressing up, she said, "dress up little sis."

"I have something to tell you." Nadia said and continued, "but when we are done with dinner."

"Okay," Maya said and dressed up.

They left the bedroom and joined their family downstairs who were waiting for them. They left the house talking happily. Amelia asked her husband to stay behind and told him, "I have something to tell you."

"Okay, now or later?" Blake asked and when Amelia said later, they left the house and locked it.

They arrived at the car and sat back, with Maya in front of Nadia. Roy, Levi, and Lewi had taken the other car as they wouldn't fit in one. Maya honked to alert his brother that she was leaving, she waited for her brother to leave before her and followed behind.

They talked and laughed in the car and drove to Esmeralda Hotel.

Arriving at a red light stop, Maya stopped next to a black sedan that belonged to Armando McKnight, and before they could see each other, the light turned and Maya drove first before Armando.

They arrived at the hotel at the same time and again, Maya beat Armando into parking at the opening space. Maya and her family left the car and entered the hotel finding Roy and the twins already there.

Maya took a seat and her back faced the people in front.

Back outside, Arthur was laughing at a perplexed Armando who was thinking how in the world a lady beat her. He had not seen the face of the person but he was sure, it was a lady.

"Get out," Armando said playfully to Arthur and locked the car. He walked into the hotel.

Armando handed the man his coat and walked to the counter with a happy Arthur.

Just as he was talking to the ladies, one of them mentioned that Mr. Smith and Armando felt like screaming. He assumed and hoped it was not Mr. Smith the one person he knew, but when the man called his name, he knew it was him. Armando couldn't help but think, "what does the ex-army want from him now?

Unknowingly to Maya, Armando, and Maya's parents, they have been followed all along and they were unaware of what was coming.

Was the Smith family going to get the chance to tell each other whatever they wanted to tell one another?


Two same encrypted texts were sent to two different locations, "THEY HAVE MADE CONTACT."