

First mistake, okay. 

Second, fine.



The third doesn't count as a mistake anymore. 

When anyone keeps repeating the same thing over and over without thinking of how others feel you learn to let them go. You let them be. You can't fix someone who knows they need a fix and they choose not to fix themselves. 

Amelia shook her head and pushed away those thoughts.

It was not how she wanted her Sunday to turn out. Him either. She thought she would be with her daughter, apologizing. He thought he would be with his son, yelling at him to suck it up and talk to his therapist.

But they wouldn't escape the meeting, they arranged to meet and since they knew each other well, they won't lie and miss it. They were both there because they respected each other and a phone call away was out of the picture when it came to their relationship. 

"It has been long, Amelia." Noah McKnight said.