

"What a shame!" Nadia grunted.

"What a shame!" She repeated and looked at her siblings.

It was annoying since that is what she has been repeating for the past few minutes. And since Maya's thoughts were far away, Roy was being Roy, and the twins were talking to one another about what they say is their talk of the night, but no one answered her.

"What a shaaaaame!" Nadia said in a sing-song tone.

Her siblings face her and all together asked, "what?"

Nadia shrugged and looked in the other direction. Everyone did that too.

"What a sh"-

"Okay, okay. We get it. What?" Lewi asked annoyed.

Nadia smiled broadly, "I need all of your attention guys."

"Maya. Your baby sis needs attention." Roy said while tapping Maya's back.

"Mmmh." Maya hummed and faced Nadia.

Nadia rubbed her hands together and cheerfully said, "I can't wait to move to this town and stay with Maya, see how the town is so beautiful."