We Promise Never To Fight Again


As she stared at the boiling porridge, thoughts run through her mind.

One, she won't get accepted by Bright Future Academy.

Two, she won't fix her parents because she didn't know how to and even if she knew, she wouldn't. It was laid down to her, by herself, "never therapize your family members and your friends."

Three, she couldn't help but blame herself for her parents' predicament.

Fourth, why the fuck was the porridge taking that long?

Maya groaned and stirred the porridge. She stood on her toes and tried to get a jug from the upper shelf. She sighed and stopped trying when she realized her attempt was futile. She squinted at her feet, and asked them, "did you get short all of a sudden?"

The porridge continued to boil. Yes, it was ready, but to Maya's eyes, she thought it wasn't.

She dragged a three-legged stool lazily and used it to get a jug from the upper shelf.