

She sat on the bedroom floor, it was cold, and even though she felt it, she didn't care. 

"So empty and dead." She murmured. 

That was what worried her. After leaving the hotel, she came home and wished to talk to Armando about the deal she was about to make with another business lady in town but she didn't find Armando. 

She came to the room and that was when she realized, the room looked unoccupied. And even though her son had his place, it scared her. Whenever Armando came back, the bedroom always looked like someone slept in it. But now, no. It seemed like he was not even there. 

Esmeralda wanted to ask Sally and Norah if they were aware of anything. She stopped herself when it occurred to her that Armando wouldn't be happy about it. It was better to wait for him and ask what was happening.