Terminate What?



Nowadays, most friendships end when people graduate but not for these two. Gary and Amelia Smith have known each for a long. They studied together at the university and even joined the best school of law in the country.

Gary found a job in the city, near where they studied law while Amelia stayed in the same law firm in their hometown, Pune. Yes, Gary moved to the city, but their friendship didn't end there.

They worked on cases together sometimes, and they both loved it.

And now, Amelia was in the City of Robi to visit Gary and congratulate him for becoming a partner in the law firm. Of course, he was not going to miss inviting Amelia Smith and there was no way Amelia Smith was going to miss the party.

Amelia didn't want to take the bus or a train. She preferred to drive herself from Pune to the City of Robi. So, she came a day earlier.