Sunday In Maya-Land


"Hey twins, if I wanted a party, I would have gone to the one happening right now in the university," Maya screamed through the loud music booming in her house.

"We know." The twins replied at the same time.

"Brent, ask those two twins to even reduce the volume, I am trying to cleanse my aura here," Maya yelled.

"Sister, your aura is always okay," Nadia shouted.

Those four were in their bedrooms shouting through the walls. They were all together because they were celebrating Maya finishing school, joining the internship, Nadia getting her letter and so many other things that no one would have missed.

One thing was for sure, The Smiths knew how to keep family united. Well, just count out the fact that Blake wants nothing but to pull his wife out of the house and scream at her.

He was never an angry man or anything like that. Not even jealous, but sometimes, even the goodness in people ran out.