Dear Universe, Here We Come


Maya tapped her leg on the floor impatiently as she waited for her sister to finish preparing. If it wasn't that the twins wouldn't get out of the bed even if someone screamed fire, she would have left already. It was her first day as an intern at Bright Future Academy.

The anticipation was killing her.

She felt a hand on her legs, she looked up and saw it was Brent.

Brent removed it from her legs and placed it on her face, "smile Maya, smile."

"I would be if that girl decides to get out, good lord, what is she doing, applying for the job?" Maya asked, desperately trying not to yell to her sister to come.

"I don't think that attitude will work," Brent said and removed his hand from Maya's face when Maya growled at him. "Okay, okay. Jeez! I am sure she is ready now."

Maya and Brent stared in the direction of their bedroom when they heard the loud pat of footsteps.