Sorry About That... Mother Has Finally Cracked!



I end the call at that.

She already knows it is me, what else do I need to tell her?

"Who is that?" Amelia slurs through her speech.

I groan and brush her hair out of her face. Can anyone please come and kill me? She slaps me and mumbles, "where are you?" 

Shit! I didn't tell Maya where we are, fuck me, how embarrassing is this going to be when I ended the call in a very not-so-cool way?

As if she read my mind, she calls back. "Where are you?" 

"Mahogany Hotel."

She hangs up on me this time around. Amelia giggles and asks, "what were you doing?"



We decided to use the dishwasher. Once we finish, my mother tells me, "I will be right back."