Yesterday ended in a blur. I can't complain. I did the usual boring stuff but at least this time around with an earnest need to make everything easier for everyone.
Aria hasn't come in yet and I find it shocking.
She is always here early. I rise from my chair to get myself some coffee. My throat is dry as fuck, anyone might think I spent the whole yesternight screaming bloody murder.
I bump into Brent; he apologizes and scurries away as if I will eat him. Boy, I don't eat shit. I shake my head and wait for the lift to stop. It opens and reveals my father speaking with the therapist. I turn around to walk away, stairs certainly are a good option right now.
"Armando." My father calls.
I halt.
"Do you know who this is?" He asks, the irritated tone in his voice doesn't go unnoticed.
I place my hand behind me, the therapist says. "Hello Armando, I am…"