

The first gave a reason for leaving, the second one woke up one day and left. The third left with one order from the commander, "observe them and report to me."

Armando's heart somersaulted when he finally understood why Tony worked at the Knight's Garden, it was just a cover-up. All along, he was watching him. No one could come into his mind; he hasn't met anyone doubtful.

As much as he was always inside his mind, he was keen on his environment, always.

Repeating the same words, "I am sorry." Armando almost slapped the shit out of Tony. There was no need for him to pretend anymore, they both knew he has been the one who reported to the commander. The issue was, that he had no idea what in the world's name the commander was talking about.

He gave the commander a death glare, fighting the urge to look away. He was the replica of his daughter. The one person Armando has managed to push to the back of his mind.