Loosing To The Lover


Are the Smiths over?

Completely baffled by what happened at Armando's, Maya couldn't even cry herself to sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, ignoring her mother's pleas to open the door for them to talk. She didn't need a magic wand to tell her mother was the cheater because Armando's outrage towards her proved it all. Despite being concerned about her father, she didn't call him, one person came to mind to talk to, Roy.

Her brother picked up immediately, "what is wrong?"

"How did you know?"

"I can tell from your breathing, big sis. Talk to me."

Maya knew sooner or later her brother would learn of her mother's infidelity, so she explained it to him. Unfortunately, she didn't get the answer she expected. Roy said, "oh, you know."


"Maya, I have known for years."