Hello Cuckoo's Nest


As a kid, I used to go to my parent's bedroom with no care in the world and dragged my mother out of bed. Gathering the cleaning necessities, I would eat her ears off by telling her of my night, be it bad or good. And then, my father and my sister would join us, and we would start cleaning the whole house. 

By the time Norah, Mr. Jaime, and Sally woke up, they would find the house sparkling clean. Then after, we would go to our pack and pick dirt from it, ignoring the looks everyone gave us. Instead of driving to a modern hotel to enjoy the day, we would go to our mother's hotel, replan the menu, and enjoy the rest of the day. Damn! Those were good times

Sometimes, we would clean my father's office while laughing our asses off. God dang! Those good old times. Yes, there was always something we did as a family.