
A girl with a long straight hair walked towards the school gate. Her name is Olivia She have a wide smile on her face.

"You waited for me, huh?" she teased her two friends.

They have a dance practice today since their club will join a competition. This is the reason why she's late. Although she love performing, she was exhausted and her enery battery is at zero percent. But seeing her two friends patiently waiting for her makes her happy.

The girl with a clean ponytail shrugged her shoulders as she closed the book she was reading.

"I don't have work today so I just decided to come and wait for you." her name is Jessica.

Jessica was calm but not the other one. The last girl with a bob cut and a headphone around her neck shouted angrily.

"As if! If not for Jessica, I wouldn't have waited for you!" she's Alyssa.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Olivia said playfully.

"Shut up!"

Jessica doesn't care. She just look at her wristwatch saying, "It's already 5:30. We'll miss the train."

The three girls walked towards the train station, chatting and making small talks along the way.

"Do you think we'll win?"

"If you guys practice hard."

"If you quit the club."

They were waiting for the train to come. Bored, Jessica took out her book and started reading.

"Astronomy again?" Jessica didn't even bother looking at her.

She turned toward Alyssa to complain but saw the other playing games with headphones on. This made her pout.

Their likes and interest is really different. In fashion, food, their personality, and even their hobby.

Jessica love astronomy. Galaxies, stars, sun, moon, meteors, anything about space. While Alyssa like playing video games. And her... well, she enjoyed singing and dancing. Her dream is to become an idol one day.

Thinking of this, she took out her phone from her pocket to watched some dance videos from her favorite idol group. But doing so make her keys fall to the ground. Olivia reached out to grab it when a sudden force pushed her body forward.

She was shocked especially as she heard the nearing sound of the train.

Jessica and Alyssa were also surprised and instinctively tried to grab her hand but lost their footing. The three fall to the railway.

The time seem to slow down.

There were sound of panic people mix with the loud beating of their hearts and the the sound of the train. In a panic, the three start to run but because of the stones, Jessica fell.

It was already too late. They hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

"I love you two..." the soft whisper made them cry more.

At the last moment, Alyssa seem to saw a man jumping towards them. Before she could think what's happening. the train run passed them...

...and everything went black.


I died.

Getting run by the train hurts so much. My body was crush and the pain made me lose my mind.

This was that person's fault. I saw a man bumping into Olivia earlier so I was the first one to react.

If not for that man, we wouldn't have died. Jessica would have become an astronaut, Olivia would have become an idol and I would have become a professional e-sports player.

If I would have pay attention more then maybe I can prevent Olivia from falling and the three of us is still living and continuing our lives.

Or maybe we should have taken the bus instead.

There are so many regrets but there's nothing she can do now.

Wait. Why do I still have consciousness?

Alyssa realized something wrong and tried to open her eyes.

Soon, she can hear some sound of people chatting.


She was shocked as she saw a different animals above her head. There was a cat, dog, butterfly, bird, and a pink bear.

What the fuck?! The animals look so big in her eyes but they were clearly toys. She tried to reach out to it but froze when she saw her hands.

Why is my hands so small?!

Lifting her other hand, she was shocked.

Why are they so chubby?! Her hands are similar to that of a baby! What's happening in here?! Can somebody explain this to me?!

Alyssa can't move her body well. She can move her hands and feet but not her body. Her head is so heavy and she can't stand up.

In frustration, she forcefully tried to stand up. Her upper body lift up but before she could rejoice, her body slams back down. The pillow wa soft and there was onky a poof sound but the room seem to be frozen as the sound of chatter stopped.

Alysaa also seem daze as if she didn't knkw what's happening. Until the dull pain on her head hit her and then...

"Waaahhhh!!! Waaaaahhhh! Waaahhhh!!!"

A loud cry rang inside the room making the maids panic.

"Oh my god! The baby!"

"Call ma'am Lilian!"

"Hurry up! The baby!"

One of the maids ran out of the room while one of them pick Alyssa up. They heard the sound but didn't know what exactly happened. They check if her diaper's full and some other things. But the baby kept crying.

It was now turning red making the maids more anxious, letting out a cold sweat.

Until the door opened with a bang. A woman in her mid-twenties entered the room. She have curly brown hair and deep blue eyes.

The woman is Lilian Orvana. The mother of the triplets.

She was resting in the other room after breastfeeding the three and getting them to sleep when one of the maids assigned to the nursery run into her room saying that one of the baby is crying.

She immediately run after hearing that.

Lilian walked past the anxious maids and get her baby from the maid. She carried her carefully in her arms and shake her a little.

The baby who cried was named Zilla Orvana. She was the youngest among the triplets. She have a black hair and bright green eyes. She look like her father.

"She just ate so we're sure that she wasn't hungry. Her diaper's not full either. We didn't know why she cried but there was a sound earlier from here crib. I think her body might hit something?" Trisha, the maid who was carrying the baby, reported truthfully.

Lilian frowned when she heard this. Her cold gaze swept through the nine maids inside the rooms. The maids bowed their heads in shame.

"Not even a single one of you were looking out for any changes? There's nine of you." her voice were as cold as ice and everyone stopped their breath at this statement.

Lilian disappointedly sighed and didn't spoke anymote. She tapped Zilla's butt softly before singing.

"The pain, the pain is gonna go away~ It's gonna go away~ The pain is gonna say bye, bye and gonna go away~ Hmm~" her voice was clear and beautiful to ears.

The lousy song she just improvised seem vedy pleasant to ears on the listeners. Alyssa wasn't an exception. She immediately stopped crying.

Who is this beautiful lady? Her voice is also beautiful. So pretty...

Lilian noticed the curiosity in Alyssa's eyes and smiled softly.

"How are you, Zilla? I'm your mother. My name is Lilian. Do you want to eat?"

Alyssa look at her and thought, 'What are you talking about? I can't understand you, girl.'

Lilian giggled and continue singing softly. Her voice is very pretty and have hypnotic effect on it. This is her ability called [Siren's Hush].

After putting Zilla to sleep, Lilian gently placed her on her crib. She kissed her on her nose, her eyes cull of affection and love for her daughter.

Lilian then went to the teo and also place a kiss on their nose. She whispered them goodnight before turning towards the stiff maids.

Her gaze immediately became cold. Her aura completely change. From the loving mother to an evil Madame. She look at them one-by-one with no one daring to lift their head to mert her eyes.

"Do all of you know your mistake?"

The maids look at each other, gulping, before lightly nodding their heads

"I got nine maids so that there's three for every child. This way, the maids wouldn't get tired of taking care of the babies when I'm away." Lilian explained. "I also made it this way so that if two of you were chatting and talking gossip with each other, you would atleast leave one to look after the baby."

The maids froze at those words. They grew more nervous.

"Then now, there's not even an hour when I was away and you don't know why the baby is crying? This is ridiculous!"

Her voice that were beautiful and made the listener's became happy when she's singing is now making a group of maids cry.

Lilian scolded the maids for over an hour. If not for the fact that she's afraid of waking up the babies, she would have gone over two hours.

But Alyssa who was peacefully asleep, have no idea about this.


Hmm? Did I fall asleep? She wondered as Alyssa slowly opened her eyes. She watched the toys above her move.

The silent room make her bored and think about her friends.

I wonder where are they right now? I wanna cry. Were the two of them also reborn like me? I just wanted to cry. Are they also infants right now? Should I cry?

She was thinking those things when a shadow cast over her. She didn't know if it's because of the dim light in the room but the tall figure make her scared.


