Pokemon (1)


In a lab funded by a mysterious figure housed one of the very peculiar Project called Controled Pokemon Creation or CPC for short, they also merged with the Study, Contain and Protect Project as they collect many of the pokemon species, dna and all of it's fundamentals, in and out of the world. In front, they created one of the most peculiar pokemon called Porygon, a man-made pokemon that acts and feels like one and is said to have many more on the way. CPC's end goal aims to create a system that let's you create your own pokemon from the barest of parts, an example of what they want to achieve would be the Zygarde pokemon, a different application of it is having different sets of parts and bind them together (like the Zygarde pokemon) so that you would only need to select multiple features to create a pokemon from scratch. One of the breakthroughs they achieved was separating the essence of what made the pokemon types into a pill:


TN-6 Normal

TF-4 Fire

TW-5 Water

TG-5 Grass

TE-8 Electric

TI-4 Iron

TF-8 Fighting

TP-5 Poison

TG-6 Ground

TF-6 Flying

TP-7 Psychic

TB-3 Bug

TR-4 Rock

TG-5 Ghost

TD-4 Dark

TD-6 Dragon

TS-5 Steel

TF-5 Fairy

It is all and well until the project turned to a darker path that changed it forever, with it creating a new monster variant called the Void creatures. They are created from the altered essence of what made the Pokemon, Pokemon.

Void Monsters:


DV-5 (Virus)

DB-3 (Bug)

DM-7 (Malware)

DW-4 (Worm)

DS-7 (Spyware)

DA-2 (Ad)

DS- 4 (Spam)

DB-3 (Bot)

DH-4 (Hack)

DA-9 (█████████)


BV-5 (Virus)

BP-6 (Plague)

BE-8 (Epidemic)

BC-5 (Curse)

BS-7 (Scourge)

BB-6 (Blight)

BD-7 (Disease)

BA-7 (Ailment)

BC-6 (Cancer)

BG-4 (Germ)

BI-9 (Infection)

BI-7 (Illness)

BPt-8 (Pathogen)

BH-7 (Hivemind)

BPr-8 (Parasite)

BS-8 (Symbiote)

BF-6 (Fungus)

BR-3 (Rot)

BM-8 (Mycelium)

BY-5 (Yeast)

BL-5 (Leech)

BD-5 (Drone)

BC-4 (████)

BH-4 (████)

BR-6 (██████)

BM-3 (███)

BV-7 (██████)

Spirit types

SGh-5 (Ghost)

SP-11 (Poltergeist)

SB-7 (Banshee)

SD-5 (Demon)

SGo-5 (Goryo)

SH-5 (Hantu)

SJ-4 (Jinn)

SM-4 (Mare)

SM-6 (Myling)

SO-5 (Oni)

SOb-5 (Obake)

SOn-5 (Onryo)

SP-7 (Phantom)

SR-5 (Raiju)

SR-8 (Revenant)

SS-5 (Shade)

SS-6 (Spirit)

ST-5 (Twins)

SW-6 (Wraith)

SY-5 (Yurei)

SY-6 (Youkai)

SB-6 (Shadow)

SE-8 (███████)

SS-4 (████)

But within the Void creatures held one of their undoing