
I watched my mother from the front of the room. I had no idea how to feel about my mother and iris exchanging looks, but it would have to wait. From where I was standing, I could see that the pack members' faces were filled with worry.

I understood because I just hit them with news about their probable extinction. Edmund stood by my side, and he thought that it was a bad idea to tell the people about her reason for being in the village.

"My Lord. There will be people who feel like she should be better off dead. The threat of her being used for the magic spell that can end us all is off." He explained.

"That is one way of looking at it. But, I believe that my people would protect her instead," I answered. "The enemy is out there, and we'll need everyone united if we are to go through this threat in one piece,"

"What if someone decides to kidnap her for money, like when she was in her father's kingdom?" He asked out of concern. 

"She is safer with me," I replied. "I want this resolved as quickly as possible to return to my life."

"That is true, Lord. I saw you sneaking in with iris under the rain. It seemed incredibly romantic, so I decided to mind my business and lurk back into the shadows." Edmund said.

"I plan to marry her. Immediately all the distraction is handled." I replied.

Edmund proceeded to scratch his neck. It was his tell whenever he was uncomfortable with anything I said, and uncomfortable conversations were not his strong suit.

After the meeting with the park members, I was accosted In the hall by Iris and my mother.

"It seems that you are officially friends," I said.

"We get along fine." My mother replied.

"I thought you said that I was still the luna of this pack. Your father used to talk to me about his decisions to avoid mistakes like the one you just made."

"I understand the worry, but there are no traitors in this pack. And if anything comes up, I'll have it."

My mother slammed her hands against her forehead. I turned to Iris, and she had the same look of disappointment on her face.

"You're taking her side?" I asked Iris.

"I mean, you put the girl's life in danger. The whole point of bringing her here is almost defeated." Iris explained. "I can't believe that she agreed to this."

"She doesn't know yet."

"You did not tell her?" My mother responded.

I shook my head in response.

Edmund, who had been scratching his head through the conversation, finally spoke out. "My lord? Should I go and let her know that you want to see her."

I nodded in acknowledgement. When he left, I turned to my mother and iris.

"Now that he is gone, I feel more comfortable saying this. I am the alpha of this pack, and I make the decisions. You are allowed to give constructive criticism, not challenge them." I replied.

"The council meets in two weeks. I can protect her for two weeks!" I screamed.

They were both stunned by outbursts, Iris walked out without saying a word, and my mother gave me a slight smirk before she said. "I would rather be mourning my dear husband than deal with your tantrums. Your ego is hurt because you know that we speak the truth."

"But mothe.."

"I am not done speaking." She said. "I never wanted to luna of this pack. I have no fight left in me; I want to wither away like your father. Marry Iris, so she becomes the luna. Because you no longer have one."

Then, she made her abrupt exit. I sighed. My job was hard enough without having two other people whisper their ideas in my head, I was aware of the risks of my decision, but I also saw the advantages that came with everyone looking after her.

Also, not telling everyone about a threat to their lives was unfair. They deserved to know everything that was going on. The only fair point that they made was I should have taken permission from the princess; she should have weighed in on the decision.

Edmund walked in, and with him was princess Jennifer. I hand not seen her since my mother took her away from me after the trip from her kingdom.

"You look well," I said.

"I am well, my lord. I have been enjoying myself. Your mother gave me a room with a great view. The breeze had been lulling me to sleep." She explained enthusiastically.

"That is great," I replied.

"How are you, my lord?" She asked.

"I am as fine as can be expected," I replied. "I have something important to share with you. Some people would argue that k should have shared this earlier."

"Some people?"

"My mother and iris," I replied.

"Is iris the one that you told me about?" She asked.

I nodded.

"What is this information?"

"I let the whole pack know of your presence and the reason your father asked that we should keep you safe."

She nodded in response before she asked. "Why is there outrage about the decision?"

"They fear that it puts you at risk. They could, out of fear, do something to you to eliminate the risk of you being used for the spell." I explained.

"My father said that I can trust you with my life, which I plan to do." She paused. "If you feel like it is was the best decision, then I have no objections; I know that you would keep me safe."

"And I will," I replied.

She nodded in approval.

"I also just had another idea," I said. "I want Edmund to teach you how to fight. In case for some reason I am not there to fight for you, you can stand a fighting chance."

Edmund shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes, my lord. I want to be able to defend myself." She replied.

"And you will," I replied.