
Under nightfall, we doused the fuel over every roof we could find, including the one where Miriam and her kids were asleep. The plan was that when they all ran out in the commotion, we would pick Miriam out of the turmoil and take her to the gate, but Bodvar thought it was too dangerous.

"There are kids in there; what if one gets hurt?"

Floki sighed. "They are human kids, fra. Frankly, one cares."

I shook my head. "We do not have time to rethink another plan. We burn the roofs and take Miriam away; there is no other choice. The kids will see the smoke and run out

Bodvar nods his head reluctantly. I understood that he was not okay with the plan, but there was no other way to take Miriam without a bloodbath.

Floki, in his usual resourceful manner, found some fuel that King Andrews's guards kept poorly in a tool shed; they covered it with hay, but that was futile against a werewolf. Floki sniffed it out, and we set out to work.