Suddenly, the wind picked up, but the trees stopped it from blowing us away. Derek sat down on the protruded roots of the tree opposite me. They were in no way comfortable seats, so he had to make do with stretching out his legs on the floor. 

"You want to be king of the world?" Derek asked.

"Yes," I answered. "Why else was I given all this power?"

He placed his chin in his hands as his eyebrows furrowed. "And you think that somehow, I would be able to make this possible.

I nodded." Do you not?"

"I have never thought about owning the world," Derek said. "Only mad men do."

I laughed. "You mean ambitious men?"

"Are they not the same thing?" He asked.

"I guess that you could say that," I replied. "But, I want my child to grow up and see his father as the king of the world."

"You have a child?" Derek asked.

I nodded. "My mate is presently carrying my child."