
I smiled back at her. "Thank you."

Kara smiled back, and the wind pulled her hair backward. "I have a confession to make." She said.

"And what is it?" I asked.

"I always liked you," Kara confessed. "From the first time you brought the woman for me to torture." She trailed her hands around my biceps. "You were as dashing as you now. Why do you think I came with you that day?"

I swallowed a lump of spit. "Because Andor asked you to?"

Kara shook her head slowly. "You still don't get it, do you? No one tells me what to do."

She placed her hands on my chest and peered into my soul. My knees felt weak, so I pushed her away from me.

Kara laughed. "I was not going to kiss you or anything. I understand that you still have her."

I looked away.

"I just wanted you to know how I felt about you. With everything going on with you, you did not notice me and all the hints I gave."