
Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the moon was more visible than before, behind her I could see a clearing where we could relax.

"Are you not tired of standing?" I asked her.

"I have never known you to mince words."

"I just asked you a question," I responded.

She scoffed.

"I would answer your question when we sit down."

"Okay." We strolled towards the clearing and rested our backs against the logs that were present there. Kara sat up and turned her face toward me. The proximity of our faces was very close, I could feel her breath as it left her nose.

The night became quiet, and I could only focus on her beautiful face, her arched eyebrows fluttered as she asked the question that she had been asking for a while now. "What are we? I do not want to be your concubine. It feels like that is the direction that you are steering this toward."