
Seeing him lying on the tree with no awareness of his surroundings only made me angry, there is no way that a wolf does not hear people creeping around, looking for him.

I coughed aloud, causing him to jerk up from where he lay. A look of terror immediately appeared on his face the moment he saw the people that were standing in front of him. He jerked and tried to enter the tree.

Bjorn chuckled. "You are right. This one would need to toughen up."

I nodded back with a look of disappointment on my face. I looked up and the moon still stood there shining bright and majestic.

Bjorn hissed. "You made us leave a feast because we were after you. You do not even deserve the bite, your head should be served from your neck."

I chuckled. "Please, leave him alone. He would become strong, stronger than me even, match that with his brains and everyone is in trouble."