Start of a Journey (3)

{This Story will be ready to read on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to interact with the story more or simply support me the link is Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there enjoying this novel. 

Currently, there are 10 advanced chapters for you to read, I hope you enjoy them. 

I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


[July 11th 10:00 Am]

"Ma'am is that the last of the boxes?" A chubby middle-aged Man asked May as he watched two of his workers load a cardboard box into his truck. The blond woman seemed to be seriously thinking about the question as she adjusted her base cap.

Although she is wearing a set of baggy joggers and a hoodie it doesn't do much to hide her beauty. She just wanted to wear something comfortable for her journey but that didn't stop the male workers from sending her occasional glances. Already used to those glances May didn't let that bother her as she continued to converse with the manager.

"Yes that should be the last of it, Hakim are all your Boxes in there?" She responded after a few seconds of contemplation before asking her son. He didn't seem to care much though opting to just load what looks like snacks in their car.

"hmm Yeah, the house is empty we can go whenever you're ready," The boy responded sounding completely unbothered at the prospect of forgetting something. This complete one-eighty change in her son's attitude about moving houses still hasn't sunk in for her yet.

May could only shake her head at her son's laid-back actions. Ever since a few days ago, she has started to notice subtle changes in his personality. They weren't too drastic that she had to worry but he seemed to have grown in maturity. For example, he practically organised their move only asking her to sign the moving company contract.

She had been racking her head on which company to call and whether they were trustworthy or if they would overcharge her. To her surprise, her son took over the planning process and even negotiated a discount with the moving company. The shocked expression on her face was something to behold when the moving company called her two days ago for her to confirm the booking.

"That seems to be everything, Thank you Bobby," May responded with a smile as she thanked the rest of the movers. Not long after the last of the boxes were loaded into the truck it pulled away heading to its destination.

May followed suit as she inserted her keys into the ignition and promptly backed her 2005 Prius out of the parking lot. The two of them wouldn't follow the moving truck as they decided to sightsee on their way. They especially wanted to see The Grand Bay Wildlife Magnate Area and The National Prisoner of War Museum. However, before doing anything else they decided to get some breakfast at the nearest waffle house.

"Do you have to bring your ball everywhere?" May asked her son as they took their seats in one of the booths at the waffle house. She sometimes regrets the day she got him his first basketball at one year old.

He could barely stand on his little legs yet he was playing with his ball. I guess it's a good thing I didn't get him a football, just thinking about him getting hit on the field fills me with nightmares. Although I love my job as a coach I wouldn't want to see my own son taking hits on the gridiron.

"I can't help it, every moment is a chance for training," Hakim replied with a wry smile as he skillfully spun the ball on his index finger. What surprised those who happened to catch a glance at his actions was the fact he wasn't looking at the spinning ball on his finger.

"(Sigh) Let's just order and eat we have a lot of road ahead of us," May spoke with a slight pout as she picked up the menu with a hint of displeasure. Her displeasure was tempered by the warm aroma of coffee and fresh waffles that filled the air, pulling her momentarily from her thoughts of the road ahead. 

It didn't take long for them to finalise their order with May choosing a simple breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs and a cup of coffee. Hakim on the other hand wet all out getting something called Caramel madness. This consisted of a stack of waffles topped with butter and caramel sauce, and a strawberry smoothie to wash it all down.

"What happened to eating healthier?" May asked him after seeing the sugary meal that was served to her son. She had gotten used to him actively eating more healthily after he started training more seriously. 

"It's a cheat day, plus I have to use my metabolism whilst I still have it," He answered with a huge grin before directly digging into his meal and savouring the sweet taste. He had always had a bit of a sweet tooth, which he struggled to control in his past life.


After the two of them had their breakfast they started their journey barreling down the route 75. The journey from the city to the National Prisoner of War Museum took around 2 hours. They spent the car ride engrossed in conversation as May told her son all about growing up in Middleburg Jacksonville. 

Her family owns a ranch near there run by her mother training jump horses. Apparently May used to jump in her younger days until she fell in love with coaching and football. She went from doing a stint as a cheerleader to becoming an assistant coach starting her Junior year. 

By the time they arrived at the Museum Hakim had found out a brand new side to his mother that he didn't even know existed. Things that she experienced growing up and some mistakes she made. After May started talking she couldn't stop telling her son things she probably shouldn't have. 

For example, she talked about some high school parties she attended involving a lot of alcohol. Only when she noticed the weird look from him, did she realise what she was talking about. By that time it was too late to go back on her words and she could only threaten him if she ever fought him drinking. 

Entering the museum they spent a good two hours looking at the different displays. Unlike regular museums, this one was quite depressing showcasing some of the worst features in the war. Different art pieces showcased all forms of the war. 

From bronze statues of soldiers to wall carvings of the prisoners held in camps. All in all, soaking in the museum's atmosphere was a different kind of experience for both of them. It was like getting to take a peek through history which fascinated both of them. 

However, due to the time crunch of their trip, they hit the road again heading to their next destination. This time May made an active effort to regain her motherly presence in front of her son. Feeling like she has lost some of it when talking about her wild high school days. 

They spent their time singing karaoke when one of their favourite songs played on the radio. If it was in the past, Hakim would have been too embarrassed to sing with his Mum but now he was genuinely having fun. Their relationship grew much closer over the past week to the point that May felt like she had travelled back to the days when he was young. 

Ever since hitting puberty, her son had become fiercely independent largely due to not having a father present. It didn't help matters when kids mocked him for it resulting in him getting into a lot of fights. Somehow he would fight whenever someone brought up his mother and would then proceed to get mad at her. 

Although not directly mad at her she would just bear the brunt of his anger. Now getting a chance to remedy that he did his best to spend as much time with her as possible. He even sang along to Taylor Swift with her just because it's her favourite song.

The Grand Bay Wildlife Management Area was a breath of fresh air for the duo after the museum. Breathing in the fresh air and looking through their binoculars at the different types of birds. Hakim was having a fun time until an alligator came a tad too close to the wooden walking path they were on. 

Only at this moment, he realised he was moving to Alligator Country. May got a good laugh after seeing his reaction and started joking about maybe getting a pet gator. Safe to say he was reconsidering his decision to move down here. Only after being reassured that there were no gators where they lived was he ok to continue the trip. 





To Be Continued...