Chapter 14 Mustangs Trials

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[Sunrise Stables, August 12th 07:00] 

"You got everything for your first day?" Jess asked me as she entered my room holding up a packed lunch in a brown paper bag. I know for sure that Mum made them as she has been trying extra since we moved here.

Her cooking is just above average but she tries her best and it's edible, just wouldn't win a Michelin star any time soon. When she made my lunches in the past she was always too busy to make a proper one and the next day leftovers were no good. 

"I think I do, Your friend still picking us up or are we getting the bus?" I replied as I continued to check myself out in the mirror adjusting a strand of my dreds. They had grown just past my ears and with the fact I had just retightened them they looked on point. 

Dressed in tan cargo pants that go just above my ankles, a white 2pac T-shirt covered by a dark grey sweatshirt. Topping off the look, I wore a pair of white/tan Airforces and a silver chain. Honestly, I always forget how good I look sometimes until I stand in front of a mirror. 

"Yeah she is almost here let's go wait outside, you can check yourself out later," she responded with a hint of annoyance directly dragging me out of my room, leaving me just enough time to grab my bag.

She was right as not more than five minutes two girls in a baby blue Jeep Wrangler pulled up outside the house. The one driving was a tall blonde called Amy Logan who was the older sister of Jess's friend. Her long straight hair, red lips, and cute facial structures make her look quite beautiful.

Her younger sister sitting next to her had matching blond hair but cut to shoulder length. Her most striking features were her blue eyes which sparkled more than her older sisters. Putting that aside you could easily tell that the older sister is one of the It girls at school as she carried herself with an air of confidence. 

 Putting my thoughts aside I sent them my best smile as Jess ran up to them to greet her friend. "So you're the cousin," the younger of the two Bella said with a smile but my attention was locked on Amy who was giving me the most intense look I was so familiar with. 

"Yeah, that's me, you must be Bee Bee," I responded after tearing my eyes off the older sister sending her an amused smile. "Gosh, Jess why'd you tell him that nickname," She screeched in both embarrassment and anger sending a glare to her best friend who tried her best to avoid eye contact. 

"You Mr tall and handsome don't call me that," She told me after spending a few moments chewing up Jess for letting that old nickname slip. Her glare reminded me of an angry chipmunk trying her best to look intimidating. 

"I'll try not to," I responded with a light chuckle as I neared the car ready to take my seat. She didn't like my response but instead of taking it out on me, she went on to complain to Jess. 

"Sit at the back," Amy said speaking her first words since getting here but for some reason, her eyes were locked on me. Simply nodding I went to open the door behind her but she stopped me again. "Not you, little sis shoo to the back," she ordered with a bright smile turning towards her sister catching me by surprise and from her expression BeeBee was shocked as well. 

BeeBee pouted but didn't argue, moving to the backseat with a huff. Jess slid in next to her, leaving the front passenger seat for me. I climbed in, the leather seats cool against my legs. The interior of the Jeep was clean and smelled faintly of vanilla, a scent I guessed Amy preferred.

"Thanks for the ride, I almost had to ride a horse to school," I said, buckling my seatbelt, remembering Grandpa's suggestion that I could take his horse Lonestar to school. Apparently, the stallion has his own GP's knowing how to get himself home without getting hurt. 

"No problem. Jess has told us a lot about you. You ready for your first day at Middleburg High?" she asked, shifting the car into gear and pulling away from the curb at high speed. "Hope only the good things," I responded sending her a smile before fishing in my bag for my bandana. 

"She left out a few good things," She responded in a half whisper whilst sending me a sultry smile that subconsciously made me gulp. My teenage hormones were going haywire right now and the fact I'm still a virgin in this life didn't help. Having memories of my future sexual escapades is not quite the same. 


[Middelburg high school, Basketball gym, August 12th 14:00]

"Good afternoon gentlemen, I'm Santiago Manuel Garcia but you can call me coach," A man in his forties wearing a navy suit with a shaved head and a stud in his left ear told us. He looked to be in his mid-thirties but his presence still held the authority every coach seems to have. 

"I checked a few of you out before getting here, but it's a new chapter so you're all on the same starting line. I'm here to turn this program around and I'll need your help if we want a chance at winning a few ball games." He told us again walking up and down the line of players standing in front of him. 

There are around 30 players here looking for a chance to enter the varsity team and JV. If I don't make varsity this year I don't have plans of slugging it in JV for a year and will instead play AAU. Even though that's a last resort it will help me grow as a player much faster. 

"Now welcome to boot camp, the next week will be hard, you will be mentally, physically, and spiritually tested. However by the end of it, we will have two strong teams, and with a little hope turn you into a family." He said again in a loud and magnetic voice easily capturing everyone's attention. 

From the whispers throughout my first day of school, I got to know more about this new coach. For some reason, he left a powerhouse program in LA he inherited from his mentor and won state with. People call him crazy for leaving such a sweet deal but more people are calling him their school saviour. 

Safe to say he has a lot of pressure on him as the whole town expects him to work miracles. Anything but winning or close to winning by the end of the year will be seen as disappointing. Honestly, I've never felt this kind of expectation from a town for a school program since there are so many schools in the city. 

"FWEET, on the line, It's time to separate the men from the boys with a little I like to call trial by fire," He said with an eerie smile as he split us in half and had the first 15 line up at the end of the gym hall. 

The gym looks surprisingly nice as if it was renovated just a few years ago. It also has bleachers that can seat around 1200 people at full capacity but from what I've gathered it hasn't been filled in a while. Student assemblies and pep rallies for the football team don't count if you ask me. 

There are no championship banners on the walls making it look rather bleak but the space is filled with a drawing of a Mustang. A few people sat in the bleachers looking quite important in their suits as they watched us. I recognised the principal and athletic director of the school talking to the group of people. From experience, I could easily tell that they were most likely boosters.


Please let me know if you liked the chapter It has been a while since I've heard from you guys. 

Comments and Powerstones will help me know how much you liked the chapter and motivate me to write more so be generous.

Check out my other 2 novels if you want more of my writing Master of Flow will take you on a rollercoaster ride of the glam and shadows of the Rap world. Basketball King follows the rise of a young prospect in trying to achieve his dreams and so much more. 






To Be Continued...