Behind the door

Huff, huff, huff…

The sound of ragged breathing coming from the living room coupled with the creaking sound of the sofa synthesizes an ambiguous atmosphere. This continuous and rigorous motion has been going on for quite some time now and sometimes the groaning voice of a man can be heard which seems to suggest his gratification with what he is doing.

Marc Lee's face is full of perspiration as he faces the ground, with his hands shoulder-width apart. His chest is touching the soft fibers of the carpet on the floor, and then he calmly pushes his body up at a regular interval. His leg is resting on the sofa so that when he pushes up his body is in line with it.

But the most amazing thing about this simple exercise is the number he is mumbling as he continues the routine over and over.

"Five hundred eighty-two… Five hundred eighty-three… Five hundred eighty-four…"

Marc Lee has been doing many kinds of exercises for more than a week now. The reason why he can reach up to a high number is that… his body would automatically heal his fatigue and muscle strains.

It all started when he tried to start his physical training program to prepare himself in case of any emergencies. Although he didn't expect to fight against zombies, at least he could run and have enough strength and stamina to move around.

But to his astonishment, no matter how hard he tried and pushes himself he could not feel any fatigue, hunger, thirst, or even the need for bathroom breaks. He actually tried one time to relieve himself and just sat on the toilet and tried to push something out, but nothing happens.

He had already accepted that his body has already changed and that it seems for the better.

But as a cautious person, he would never abuse this strange thing that's happening in his body, so he would regularly eat and drink water. By doing this he unconsciously made his body stronger and sturdier.

Marc Lee actually noticed that in just a week of rigorous training and exercises, his body become fit and now has toned muscles. This made him feel happy as he continues exercising more and more.

As he did so it made his strength increase.

He then started to lift some weights in an abusive manner as he would never stop until the sunset. Although for others, this kind of routine would be too boring… Marc Lee actually enjoys the refreshing grinding process for his muscles and bones.

"I think this is enough for today, it's been 8 days now since I decided to do strengthen-up exercises. I think that my body is not normal anymore… I think I do have powers, but… Hmm… Maybe, I'm going to become like one of those superheroes with some really cool special ability."

Marc Lee stretches his hands and flexes them as if trying to grasp an invisible power from an unknown source. But deep inside Marc Lee he actually isn't sure if he is that unique in this world. As he hadn't met any living humans yet, he is not sure if he is one of a kind or maybe just some regular Joe.

"If I continue living like this I think everything would be okay, but for how long? I can't just hole up myself in this room forever with no electricity and no water. If only I can…" then an idea pops up in his mind but almost immediately vanishes.

He actually thought of going down to the basement and thought of trying to fix the generator and the water pump.

"I'm not that crazy to go down there and be food for those zombies… In the movies and novels, most zombies lurk in those dark places." He thought as shivers run down his spine just imagining the face of those nightmarish creatures.

"Hmm... What should I do next? Ah! If I can make sure that this floor is clear, then I will have more room to use and move upon." he thought but still a hint of fear flashed in his mind.

"I've been in this place for a while now, but none of those zombie creatures has knocked on my door… does this mean that this floor might be free from those things?"

Marc Lee just realized this…

For almost 10 days he tried observing the sound outside his door. But he could not hear any moaning or walking sound, so he concludes that this floor might be a zombie-free area.

And besides, there are only 4 flats on this floor as this is second to the most expensive apartments in this building.

"Okay, I need to prepare some equipment first to ensure my safety." Marc Lee muttered as his gaze went back and forth at the kitchen, the bedroom, and the closet.

He then immediately took out some things from the kitchen, from his closet, and from the bedroom.

Marc Lee spreads on the bed… a knife, duct tape, thick clothes, and his pillow. He then started by making a weapon… he broke one of the chairs in the kitchen and used one of its legs as a handle.

He then fixed the knife at the end of it, and tightly uses duct tape to create a make-shift spear weapon. He then wrapped himself up with a thick layer of clothes and then puts a pillow on his chest.

This is due to his experience when that beautiful woman suddenly bit him on his chest. That experience truly gave Marc Lee a great scare and a trauma that he would never forget for as long as he lives.

It's like going to heaven for a time and then plummeting down to hell.

"Alright, I got this…" he muttered to himself.

"If I,… will not do this now… then when? I can't just wait in here forever, right? Huu… Okay, be strong, be strong… You can do this Marc Lee!" he thought trying to motivate himself while pacing back and forth in the front door.

Right now he looks like a fat spring roll as he walks awkwardly, still unable to decide if he truly wanted to go out or not. He is torn between his safety and facing his fear.

But deep inside him, he could not remove the thought of dying under the bloody hands and mouths of those zombies. But he also did not want to spend the rest of his life holed up in his room without certainty of the future.

What he has before is now different from his current situation now. Before, he can see his own future, but now… everything is obscure. And the light is currently in front of him.

The notion of fear and death is heavily weighing on his mind.

"Okay… it'll just be for a short time. If I can't find anything then that's that. Huff… huff… huff…" he said as he took in deep breaths.

He has already removed and cleared the barricades blocking the door a while ago. Now, he is looking at the door and the unknown future outside.

It was dark and gloomy, and the only light that made the place visible are those coming from underneath the doors of the apartments.

The sole sound that can be heard at this time is his ragged breathing and the tap of each step he makes into the cold tiled ground.

Marc Lee is so nervous right now that, he even fears the very existence of his own shadow.

As he moves forward carefully and slowly, he became weary of his surroundings. He carefully checked everything and tried his best to use all of his senses to distinguish any noise or shadow that may be of some threat to him.

His actions are bordering between fear and paranoia.

"Please, please, please… no zombies please, no zombies please…" he mutters under his breath.

He began to carefully check the knobs in every room, and he discovers that all of them are unlocked. This made him a little scared, as he didn't know what was behind every room on this floor.

His eyes then trailed towards the room of the woman he had a hot night and an unforgettable experience. His instincts are telling him that the woman is not inside the room as the door was left wide open.

He carefully took a glance inside and found nothing… so he decided to begin and look through the room thoroughly.

He kept his eyes alert and his senses sharp as he crept slowly inside the room. His whole body feels uncomfortable but still didn't remove anything as safety is his first priority.

Inside the woman's flat, everything is in order. Although the dust has also settled inside the room it still showed how meticulous the owner of the place is.

Suddenly from the corner of his eye, a shadow flickered. This made his heart jump in fear.

His heartbeat began to pound on his chest like crazy. Even his hearing is clouded by the rapid beating of his heart. He immediately held the makeshift weapon in front of him.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! No! No! No! Please…" He curses under his breath while pleading in his mind as his hands held tightly the makeshift spear.

His knees right now are shaking uncontrollably and cold sweat is covering his back and forehead.

His eyes frantically looked in the direction from where the shadow should have appeared.


Marc Lee's heart was about to explode and discovers that what he actually just saw was the curtain swaying as the wind blows in through the open window.

This made him almost collapse on the floor. He didn't know if he would cut that damn curtain to pieces or shout at his cowardice.

"Freaking hell! That almost made me wet my pants. Ohhh… my heart can't take this anymore…" Marc Lee huffed as he exhaled hard.

Then his mind suddenly froze as he realized something. If the air can pass through the window then it should be open, then how come the window is locked from the inside? He then noticed some of the broken pieces on the ground.

Then his skull suddenly goes numb as he slowly turns his head towards the entrance of the apartment.

There on the side, he saw traces of blood that he never noticed. It's like a bloody handprint that touched the wall with a swipe. But the thing is that after that there are no other traces… this confused him a little.

"If that woman is back inside this house then… where is she?" he asked himself.

His eyes darted toward the bathroom door but found that it has no trace of blood.

"I need to make sure, that she is inside. That way I can just leave her locked in there." He thought.

So… he walks silently towards the bathroom and checked the knob and walls to make sure if there are traces of blood… but he found nothing.

"I guess she didn't enter the bathroom." He muttered as he slowly twisted the doorknob while holding his weapon tightly.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

His heart began to beat wildly again. His anxiety and fear are now kicking in. But he still steeled his resolve, no matter what… he needs to know. This is so that he can be at ease while living on this apartment building floor.

A low creaking sound can be heard as the bathroom door slowly opens. Revealing deep darkness, the low light suddenly seeps coming from the living room area.

As the bathroom was illuminated Marc Lee found... nothing.

Everything inside the bathroom seemed to be untouched for a long time. The female toiletries and a strange scent can be smelled inside.

"Whew, I guess she's not here." Marc Lee said as he slowly closed the bathroom door.

After confirming that the room is empty, Marc Lee checked the kitchen for food and anything that can still be used.

He then discovered the woman's portrait on the table near the bed with a middle-aged woman who seems to be the woman's mother judging from the affection both are showing in the photo.

"Wait a minute… I really think I have seen this woman… I think I've seen her somewhere before." He muttered after seeing the gorgeous and elegant appearance of the woman.

He already knows that she is really pretty especially the flashbacks that he would always have at night, but this is not only a happy dream as it is always accompanied by her pretty face turning vicious and ripping his insides out… so he would have a fantasy and a nightmare at the same time.

"Anyway, that's all in the past now." he thought as he turns around to leave as he already have seen what he needed to see in this apartment.

He would just come back into this room if he needs something.

Feeling relieved Marc Lee, walks outside but didn't close the apartment door as he didn't want it to be accidentally locked.

After doing that, a satisfied look appears on his face. He then turns towards his room.

But before he could take another step, he suddenly heard a clattering sound which seems to be coming from… the elevator.