Chapter Twelve & Thirteen

We are in dimly lit surroundings as we can just make out a shadowy figure in chains kneeling.

Unknown Figure

( To Himself)

Forever trapped here, bound by these…accursed chains.

A bright red figure appears.

Red Figure

That is because you're weak and pathetic. You let them bind you here, you willingly let them pass sentence on you.

A bright blue figure appears.

Blue Figure

You accepted their judgment, because you knew had overstepped your bounds. And submitted… Willingly.

The red figure scowls at the figure.

Red Figure

He was a coward to stand up to them. You could've easily slaughtered them, without a second thought.

Blue Figure

That is not who you are, the thought did cross your mind…

Dark Figure

I know who I am… But why do you hound me…

Blue Figure

We have been made sentient hereby the order of the council , you know who we both are…

I am your reason and logic and rational side

Red Figure

I'm your chaotic side, who knows you better than anyone else. Why do you try to suppress me?!

Blue Figure

he knows that not who he is. Do not listen to your other self…

Red Figure

Don't listen to that… Scum… Realise who you are, rise up and break these chains of oppression…. And seek vengeance of those who did this…

The blue figure flickers momentarily.

Blue Figure

You see, he is trying to manipulate you…

Please don't let him corrupt you…

Dark Figure


ENOUGH…. Just leave me be…

The red figure disappears but the blue figure remains.

Blue Figure

I only ask this of you, do not listen to that part of you, I know you are better than that…

The blue figure disappears

End of Chapter 12

Chapter 13

N.E.O Headquarters: Night

We see a table lamp illuminating James sitting in his black leather chair sipping a whiskey. A ghostly figure steps out of the darkness. James looks up and sighs and relaxes back into his chair.

James Spencer

What you do want?!

Ghostly Figure

I am here to tell you, it will not be long till things are in motion… I cannot remain here for long… All I ask is when time comes…. Do not fail me…

James Spencer

(Sips his drink)

You want… I see… Very well… It will be done…

The ghostly figure disappears

James Spencer

(Puts his drink down)

But you'll get will not workout as you think…...

Abandoned Temple: Dusk

We see a blue flash and Ryan appears. He looks at his surroundings. Suddenly Chronos appears and lights up there surroundings.

We are inside a different run down temple more dilapidated than before, chronos appears in a blue light, and Ryan is already there studying his surroundings)


I see you have chosen to find out who you are, I am pleased.

Ryan Shepard

Aziel said the light would show me the way. This feels...familiar.

Ryan tenderly places his hand on the wall and a blurry image flashes before us and ryan jerks his hand away in shock)

He goes up to a nearby wall and places his hand on it and a brief blurred image is seen. He tries to understand it. He jerks his hand away.)


Something wrong?

Ryan Shepard

This place… It somehow wants me to find my answers!


You were much more, than you are now...

But only you can discover that. I will aid you in anyway I can, but I cannot…

Ryan Shepard

I know you can't tell me, what I want to know! I gotta find the answers myself.


I will take my leave, for now friend.

If you need me… Just call...

Ryan Shepard

Thanks Chronos…

Chronos vanishes in a deep blue light as Ryan approaches a large old wooden door with symbols adorned on them, he peers at them as one of the symbols looks familiar as he brings the Energy within him to life and cautiously places his hand on the door as the whole temple shakes as a voice comes out of nowhere)

Chronos disappears in a bright blue light. Ryan looks at the symbols on a nearby door. The door is large. He approaches the door cautiously. He peers at the symbols to try and decipher them but to no avail. One of the symbols catches his eye. He summons the flame like energy with ease and places his hand on the door. Suddenly the whole temple shakes violently as a booming voice is heard.



Ryan Shepard

I do!

A large white dragon like creature appears from nowhere. Ryan bows humbly at the creature.

Ryan Shepard

Forgive me, I didn't mean to disturb your rest.

The shaking stops and the creature speaks softly.


You are allowing me to read your thoughts…Ryan… The other that came before you, did not.

Ryan Shepard

Korell, right?!


Yes, he came seeking what all his kind seek...power. You on the other hand seek knowledge, about your….clouded past.

Ryan Shepard

My mind is like, shattered glass… Fragmented. I see blurry images, but I don't know what they mean.

The creature floats down and at the same time takes on a humanoid appearance.


I have taken a humanoid form, to seem less threatening. Is this to your liking?!

Ryan Shepard

I don't mind what form you take.


I am the guardian, I tend to this temple by order of the ancients. Your mind is clouded, you cannot see the truth. When you try to comprehend the images, your subconscious hinders you. It does not want you to see… Not yet.

Ryan Shepard

So if it's blocking me, why did Aziel send me the fuck here.

The Guardian

May I remind you little one, to mind your tongue, I will pretend I never heard you say that… But that is the only one I will allow. Am I understood?!

Ryan nods.

The Guardian