CHAPTER 6: Our lives start at a crossroad

"Ley....Kingsley, wake up please." I heard a voice in the morning say, my eyes felt heavy and i was starving. I groaned remembering that we needed groceries. I felt a hand on my hand shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to a strand of hair on my cheek, looking up I saw a beautiful face staring down at me. I almost forgot about Nikita, I had completely forgotten I have a new housemate.

"Morning, I'm sorry what time is it?" I asked as she sat on the bed next to me. I looked over at her and got flustered. She was wearing a pair of sweat shorts and a cute crop top that had hoodies on them, to top it all an apron, I was in heaven.

"'s seven thirty, I had gone to get some groceries, and thought I wouldn't have to disturb you by waking you up to take me shopping so I left a bit early. Oh, I made breakfast. I didn't know what you prefer, but I made one of everything." I felt my jaw swinging as she talked. The house smelt good for some reason, and she had even done shopping? What time did she wake up to get all this done.

"Nikita, you didn't have to do that, you should wake me up, I'm the one taking care of you, not the other way around. You might not have recovered from sleeping for a long time since you got here. You can go back to bed."

"Bed? I didn't sleep Kingsley, I'm a fox spirit remember? I don't get tired easily either so since you're letting me stay here, let me be the one to take care of you." She said holding my hand gently. At first I was surprised and decided to let her take care of me, despite feeling like I was exploiting her, she insisted on me not doing anything.

"Alright, I will allow you to do as you please then. Anyway with that aside what's making the place smell this good?" I asked waking up and putting my robe on. She smiled again and helped me up. I had never woken up to so much food, in my life. It was everything you could imagine for breakfast, I don't think that I was going to finish all this. Then it hit me, she was a nine tailed fox, she was Asian, they ate a lot., and it tasted good.

"Aren't you going to eat anything? It's a lot." I said, but she shrugged it off and laughed a little.

"Organic food, let alone human food, isn't my cup of tea. I'm happier watching you eat though I'm glad you're enjoying it." She said and actually watched me. It was embarrassing to have someone watch me eat. When I finished I almost forgot I had a class in the morning for my class.

"I have class to get to, but thank you for the food." I said.

"Class? you're still in school at this age?" Okay, I never thought of it that way. Wait how old did I look to her?

"Well, I thought learning how to help people took a long time to learn so you could get it right. So I still have two more years to go." She raised an eyebrow and sighed.

"To help people, like a superhero or something."

[laughs] "No, Nikita to be a doctor, to help sick people become better." Her cheeks flushed a bright pink to indicate that I had embarrassed her.

"You blushed, haha. Alright I have to get going, you can call me if you have trouble." I stood up to head to my room for a shower but then it hit me. "You don't happen to have a phone do you?"

"What exactly is a phone?" She asked and I sighed this was going to be harder than I thought.

"I can get you one when I come in the afternoon, and I can show you how to use on is that okay?" She smiled and nodded as I picked up my bag and reached the door before turning back to her, debating on whether I should leave her alone or go.

"I packed your lunch in your bag, I heard that humans need three meals a day, you guys eat a lot. Have a nice day, see you."

"I'll be back." I wasn't late for class, but I couldn't concentrate at all. My friends weren't in today either, good. Nikita was the only person in my mind. She was a mysterious creature, but you could forget that she wasn't human with that kind of beautiful face and personality. I tried distracting myself by comparing her with the other girls, but none of it worked, her long jet black hair and long legs, I already saw her naked, that should be a bonus for her.

I pulled out my phone after class and went to google to see what her species liked eating, if I was going to be living with that kind of girl , I needed to find out more about her. Could live up to a thousand years and more, check. Usually disguise themselves as young beautiful women to seduce men for mischief or to devour their body or soul. Not check. They are known to devour human to live. Definetly not check she would have made a move on me by now, I'd have to be more careful.

After living with her for a few more weeks I hadn't sensed any thought of seduction from her, so I had to check that out of the list and I did. I needed to let cash know I was living with someone, but I thought I had time to prepare....

"Hey Cash I wasn't expecting your call." I said sitting in front of the TV watching a drama with Nikita.

"I was in the area, I thought I could drop by and see how you're doing I'll be there tomorrow, get ready." Then he hang up. I dropped my phone and looked at Nikita she seemed concerned, but I couldn't say anything but the word slipped.
