CHAPTER 12: Finally just you and me...

"A week getaway? What's that supposed to mean Kingsley?" She asked from the other side of the hall from her room.

"Well, to simplify it for you, sweetheart, we are going for a little trip, a holiday...just us two alone." I said as I felt more of my face becoming hotter as we continued to pack. I heard her footsteps closing in on my room and she stood by the doorstep wearing nothing but a towel and a hairpin that pulled her hair back beautifully. Gorgeous creature she was.

"Kingsley, you're really emphasizing on the 'two of us alone' part. I'm getting suspicious we do live alone anyway." Good point, was I making this too obvious? She came up behind me and embraced me as I packed the last of my stuff. Her chest was against my back and my heart was going crazy, I was nuts!

"We better leave soon before it starts raining, I wouldn't want you to get drenched." She said as she walked away. I chuckled and peeped from my door to where she was walking to.

" You're the lady here, I wouldn't want you catching a cold, now what kind of gentleman would I be if I let a beautiful lady freeze to death." She scoffed and turned to my direction grinning.

"This beautiful lady, has endured the horrors of this earth and the climate is the least bit of what scared me. Plus I'm a cute dog, I'm warm enough to take care of myself mister gentleman." She smiled and went back to her room. Those were the little perks I had with her, we understood each other's language whether it was intimate, or as a joke between friends, there was nothing I couldn't tell her.

* * * * *

"His majesty is getting impatient go bring her back...unharmed, Mithus." Lapis said as he handed the man a bag. The land had gotten back to its festivities as the new announcement from his grace arrived in the mountains plains and valleys for a celebration they might as well not forget. The union between princess Nikita Lore and Calvix Nein.

"What am I supposed to do when I find her, high priest." The man asked turning towards Lapis.

"Simple, convince her to come back with you, make her fall in love with you if that's what it takes but do not...come back empty handed, understood?" The man pushed his hair back and smirked at Lapis before bowing.

"You can trust me your grace, I never come back empty handed."

* * * * *

"I can't do this Kingsley, I-I've never done this before its my first time."

"Nikita, I'll do it as gently as possible, I can never hurt you, that's a promise."

"But if I don't get it right, I could hurt both of us, I want our first time to be perfect."

"For Zeus' sakes Nikita! Its a freaking water slide just slide down!" We both stared at the endless bottom and I felt my throat run dry, damn, this was going to be hard, when we finally took off, I can't remember most of it, because the only thing distracting me from that fun was Nikita's body against mine. These stupid thoughts, I can't feel this way about someone I took in. Even if I felt this way, it wasn't like she could feel the same, friends is what she enjoyed us being and I was going to respect that.