It's Up To You

Elena kept staring at Lorenzo's blue eyes as she pondered his words. If she accepted his proposal, there would be no turning back because she would undoubtedly become involved in whatever shady deal he was involved in. But if she refuses, she is putting herself and Ruby in danger. And she couldn't bear the thought of her sister being harmed; she was all she had left, and she had to protect her. She has never been more confused in her life.

Lorenzo watched as the indecision danced in her eyes, he knew it wasn't an easy decision, but he was practically doing her a favour, if she knew the type of man that Carlos was, then she would be jumping to take his offer without any form of hesitation. It's not like he was going to let her walk away any way, it was either she agreed to work for him willingly, or he would have to apply force. Because apart from the fact that he was trying to protect her from Carlos he knew a girl like her was going to be an asset to him and he could very much use her skill around here.

It was a test to ask her to steal that flash drive from Peter's apartment when he could have easily asked any of his men to get it. A test she aced with flying colors. There was no way he was going to let her go.

'Be honest with yourself; you genuinely want to protect her.' Yeah, that's true.

He couldn't understand why he was concerned about what Carlos would do to her; after all, she had stolen from him and deserved to be punished, but something in him didn't want to let her go, and he felt compelled to protect her.

Lorenzo went back to sit in his chair, he brought out an envelope from his drawer which he pushed in front her, "that's for the job you did," he said to her.

Elena picked the envelope wondering what was in it and when she opened it, she gasped at what she saw. She raised her head to look at Lorenzo who was still watching her, "what is this for?"

"You heard me the first time, it's for a job well done," Lorenzo said in a casual tone.

"Now, if you work for me, you never have to pick pockets again, because you will be well paid, and well taken care off." He leaned back on his chair, "now it's up to you to decide if you want to go back to the life that you were living, and having to constantly hide from Carlos or you want the one that I'm offering you."

Elena stared at the ward of cash that was inside the envelope she was holding, this was a lot of money and she has a lot of need that she could use the money for.

"What would I be doing for you?" She asked.

A small smile curled up Lorenzo's lips as he looked up from his laptop, he knew that wasn't going to be hard for her to agree.

"You would be my assistant," he replied.

"And your personal thief," Elena finished for him.

Lorenzo shrugged, "that too," he said, not denying the fact that he would be requiring her to steal things for him from time to time.

Elena slowly nodded, "I will do it." She was already on the wrong side of law by picking pockets she might as well get a could pay from doing it. Whether or not she agrees to work for Lorenzo or not, she was still going to be on the wrong side of law.

'But this is different Elena.' Elena shut the voice of caution in her head. She was going to do whatever it takes to give her sister a good life.

The bold girl was back, he could see it in her eyes. He knew she wasn't making the decision because of herself, but her sister. From what his men had found out about her, she has a sister that she cares so much about. He understood that look, the look of determination to protect the ones that you loved at all cost.

"You are to resume fully tomorrow, I expect you to be here by 8 am, not a minute late."

Elena slowly nodded, and she stood up to leave. When she got outside the casino, she saw Jorge standing beside the SUV that he drove from the parking lot.

He handed her her phone and her purse which were earlier seized from her.

"I've been asked to take you home," Jorge said opening the passenger's door for her.

"You don't have to bother I can__"

"The boss instructed that I take you home and I'm going to do just that," Jorge said, making her realize it wasn't up for debate as he held the door waiting her to get in.

Not wanting to argue, Elena got inside the car, she could actually use a ride.

"I heard you are now the boss's new assistant," Jorge said as he joined her in the car. "Congratulations."

Elena looked at him and saw that he meant what he said. "Thanks. We would have to make a stop at the grocery store." She needed to get some grocery items for the house, she couldn't wait to see the look on Ruby's face when she tells her she now has a job.

Jorge looked at her and chuckled, "you must like making stops."

Elena smiled back at him, she was beginning to like this guy.