Chapter 120: The Enraged God

It's just that Mr. President disagreed.

"Relax, man, the god of the Earth does not dare to do anything."

"Can he still fight against the people? Does he no longer want to live on Earth?"

"Even a superhero can't fight public opinion, haven't the facts proved that?"

Mr. President said indifferently. Obviously, he did not take this matter seriously.

Mr. President was even looking forward to the day when he became a God of Earth like Ye Bai.

However, Nick Fury felt chills all over his body.

He was not as optimistic as the President, nor did he think that Ye Bai would give in because of public opinion.

Moreover, Ye Bai was not a superhero, and morality did not constrain his feelings.

It's just that Mr. President's phone had been hung up, and everything was too late.

In the end, Nick Fury could only sit in his seat and watch the development of the situation in despair.

Outside Ye Bai's manor, some radical people had begun to try to attack the manor.

They rushed towards the gate of Ye Bai's manor and started hitting the iron gate.

Some even climbed over the wall and used all means to enter the manor.

After entering the manor, they destroyed the plants and some artistic statues in the manor.

These people all had the same idea that there were many of them, so they were the masters of this world.

And in broad daylight, Ye Bai would definitely not dare to kill them.

Otherwise, Ye Bai would not be a superhero, but a super villain.

In fact, if he was really a super villain like Jean, then these people would not dare to be so crazy.

Because Jean would really kill people.

But Ye Bai wouldn't, because Ye Bai was a superhero. How could superheroes kill people?

Looking at the people who wreaked havoc in the manor and the people who rushed towards the manor like a tide.

Ye Bai's eyes became colder and colder, and finally, he sighed.

Ye Bai sighed, not for himself, but for these people. Because they were going to die soon.

Just when someone was about to break into Ye Bai's inner manor, Ye Bai stood on the balcony on the second floor and emitted a super heat ray from his eyes.

Unsurprisingly, the heat rays directly hit the mob, who broke in. Then, without even screaming, the mob was burned to ashes.


The originally noisy manor instantly fell to pin-drop silence.

Everyone looked at the place where the mob disappeared just now, and a great fear suddenly rose from their hearts.

Nick Fury held his head helplessly when he saw this scene in front of the screen.

He already had a feeling that the worst thing was going to happen.

In front of everyone, Ye Bai slowly lifted into the air. He stopped above the crowd.

He looked down at those faces that were astonished, fearful, or angry, with a disdainful laugh.

"Why do all of you have the illusion that I am a superhero?"

"Why do all of you firmly believe that I dare not kill you?"

"In that case, I will prove all of you wrong!"

Ye Bai's voice was very cold, and it made everyone feel like they were falling in hell.

The scene that happened next made everyone even more desperate.

Because terrible super heat rays radiated from Ye Bai's eyes, and then he aimed these rays towards the crowd without hesitation.

Countless people who were grazed by the super heat ray directly ignited and turned into ashes.

A massacre. Ye Bai had started killing the mob.

Ye Bai was not kind. He would not hold back when facing the enemy.

Otherwise, he would not have directly and simply wiped out all the creatures in the entire heaven.

And this time was no exception. Ye Bai didn't hold back at all. He had no mercy for those who gathered outside his manor and killed them all.

In the past, Ye Bai felt that humanity needed to be afraid of him.

But now, Ye Bai found that he was wrong.

Human fear would disappear with ignorance and would be replaced with greed.

Only tough methods could make them remember that fear thoroughly.

So this time, Ye Bai decided to beat everyone into submission and kill them until they became afraid.

He wanted to let everyone know that he had the ability, and he could kill anyone!

The instant Ye Bai began the killing spree, the masses gathered outside Ye Bai's Manor collapsed.

They cried and ran, trying to escape Ye Bai's terrifying attack.

They realized how great the superheroes forced by them were.

In the same situation, the superheroes didn't even scold the crowd.

They were not like Ye Bai, who directly started to kill.

Meanwhile, in a country called Sokovia, Ultron, who had forged a steel body for himself, watched Ye Bai kill people with satisfaction.

What about the God of the Earth? He was still calculated by me.

Moreover, now that Ye Bai had been entangled by the people, he should have no time to worry about my affairs.

"Start the plan!"

Ultron said coldly. His icy mechanical sound started a countdown for the humans on the earth, a countdown to death.

Then, the people of Sokovia were horrified to find that the ground split apart.

Nearly a small half of the country actually rose slowly and then kept rising into the air.

While messing around on the Internet, Ultron didn't forget about his human extermination plan.

He was going to raise this large piece of land directly to a height of several thousand meters.

Then he would smash this large piece of land on the ground. Like the meteorite that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, he wanted to use the same method to wipe out all living things on the surface.

The only way to save the planet was to remove humanity, wasn't it?

When Ultron was about to destroy the earth, Ye Bai was still killing people.

As if he had no mercy, he showed no mercy to those people. At this moment, a figure flew from a distance and blocked Ye Bai.

It was Iron Man, Tony Stark.

At this time, Tony was wearing a strange set of armor. The colour of the suit was black and blue, which made him look very stern.

This was the "Anti-God armor" secretly developed by Tony.

"Enough Ye Bai, don't kill anymore."

"Someone incited these people, they are not the ones who are guilty!"

Tony stood in front of Ye Bai and said to Ye Bai.

After listening to Tony's words, Ye Bai did stop his action, but the killing intention in his eyes did not decrease at all.

"You shouldn't have come to stop me. Don't you remember how these people slandered you before?"

Ye Bai said to Tony coldly, he didn't want to listen to anyone right now.

Tony's expression became bitter, of course he remembered. But he was a superhero. He had to stand in front of the people, no matter what those people did before.

Therefore, even if he had to make an enemy of an existence like Ye Bai, he still had no idea of backing down.