Chapter 122: A Corner of United States Sinks Into the Sea

Ye Bai knew that if he did not deal with this incident decisively and ruthlessly, similar things would continue to happen in the future.

If he did not take action against these people, then more and more people would use public opinion against him. Right now, they were just asking for blood. If Ye Bai agreed, someone would ask for more later.

So from the very beginning, Ye Bai completely cut off this path.

He used his actual actions to tell everyone not to scheme against him to provoke him.

Looking at the ruins below, Ye Bai's anger calmed down a little.

At this time, Hela also flew to Ye Bai's side, and gently embraced Ye Bai.

Hela understood more than anyone else that this time Ye Bai was really very angry.

The human greed made Ye Bai completely disappointed in the Earth of this universe, and he felt betrayed.

If it weren't for Ye Bai, the earth would have been swallowed by Galactus, and it would have been judged by heaven long ago.

Although Ye Bai didn't care about these things himself, he did do a lot for the earth, and his achievements far surpassed those of glamorous superheroes.

But who knew that he would actually become a sinner in the mouth of the people.

It seemed that if Ye Bai didn't share his abilities, he wouldn't deserve to live in this world.

This betrayal also gave birth to Ye Bai's anger, followed by a thunderous strike that swept away all the people who came to march outside his manor.

"You still have me. I will never leave you."

Hela hugged Ye Bai and said softly. She knew the cause of Ye Bai's anger, so she hoped to make Ye Bai feel better.

"I know, so will I."

After listening to Hela's words, Ye Bai did calm down a lot. So what if he was betrayed by the world, at least he had his wife Hela.

However, now was not the time to talk about love with Hela, he still had to finish this matter.

Thinking of this, Ye Bai didn't stay there anymore, he flew in the direction of the Pentagon.

In an instant, Ye Bai arrived at the door of the Pentagon. Then, ignoring these nervous politicians and soldiers, Ye Bai walked towards the interior in a dignified manner.

Soon, Ye Bai found his target. The United States's highest authority, Mr. President.

Seeing Ye Bai, the President's usual unreliable expression, was very embarrassing, but it was more fearful.

With Ye Bai's strength, he could do whatever he wanted on Earth, and no one could stop him.

Including himself, the President didn't have the ability to protect anyone in front of Ye Bai.

Fortunately, Ye Bai didn't have much interest in killing a person who was talking to him. This was not his main purpose either.

"I remember saying that I want you to fear me."

"But you didn't do it. Instead of fear, I feel threatened by you."

"Now I am very angry, and I will punish you!"

As soon as Ye Bai's voice fell, a colorful beam of light came from somewhere beyond the sky.

This was none other than Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, which was Hela's way of venting Ye Bai's anger for him.

It's just that there were no Asgardians in the Rainbow Bridge, instead it fell directly on the land of the United States.

Then, the land hit by the Rainbow Bridge started shaking violently, and at the same time huge cracks appeared.

Rainbow bridge was not only Asgard's means of transportation, but it was also a super powerful weapon. The Rainbow Bridge with its full power was powerful enough to destroy a planet.

It's just that Hela didn't do this. Instead, she just let the power of the Rainbow Bridge penetrate the crust.

The result was that a piece of coastal land in the United States was sunk directly into the sea.

The casualties and the economic losses caused due to this incident were immeasurable. The most important thing was it created deterrence, which stunned everyone.

No one thought that Ye Bai would react so harshly.

Not only did he kill all the people who marched to his manor, but as revenge, he also sank a corner of the United States's territory into the sea.

After hearing this news, Mr. President almost vomited blood from heartache.

He was sure that what happened today would leave a permanent stain on his presidency.

Perhaps when the people of the United States recalled him in a few decades, they would be cursing him.

This terrible result made Mr. President want to die.

He began to regret being the President, wasn't it good to be a real estate tycoon? Why did he want to be the President of the United States when he was doing fine?

Not only Mr. President but also the other people looked at Ye Bai with a deep fear.

They didn't expect that Ye Bai would retaliate so fiercely, after all it was the land of the state.

"I hope you can remember today and this fear."

Ye Bai said coldly, then turned around and left.

The ruthless words were spoken, and the revenge was also done, Ye Bai didn't care about the rest.

He believed that after this incident, no one would dare to provoke him again.

After all, the price paid for angering Ye Bai this time was too great.

The loss of hundreds of thousands of marching people was fine, but the loss of a corner of the country was permanent. The next time something like this happened, it might not just be a corner of the country. It was possible that Ye Bai might sink the entire United States into the sea.

After warning the people of the United States and retaliating strongly, Ye Bai did not stop.

Most of his previous actions were just to punish those greedy humans.

The next thing he had to do was to find the real person behind the scenes to settle the accounts.

Ultron, the man behind the whole incident, the source of all this chaos. As an artificial intelligence, he naturally knew something about Ye Bai.

After seeing Ye Bai's reckless actions, Ultron was indeed a little shocked.

In Ultron's calculation, according to Ye Bai's character, the probability of him taking action should be less than one percent.

Not to mention that his retaliation after the incident was so fierce that he even sank a piece of land of the United States into the sea.

In fact, the reason why Ultron made this analysis was purely because Ultron had a biased understanding of Ye Bai.

This was not only the case for Ultron, but also the high-level government of the United States. All of them thought that Ye Bai was a superhero.

But in reality? They paid a terrible price for this assumption.

"Interesting. That's indeed like a god!"

Ultron spoke slowly, with a mechanically synthesized sound. He had become very interested in Ye Bai.

At the same time, Ultron was not afraid of Ye Bai at all. Unlike the United States government, he was not afraid of retaliation by Ye Bai.

Anyway, all he wanted to do was to destroy all humanity. Under Ultron's command, half of the country of Sokovia rose into the air. Now it had reached an altitude of more than 8,000 meters.

Then, the power system that pushed Sokovia's land into the air stopped working, and then Sokovia's land began to fall in a free fall.

Ultron had even used many propellers just to increase the landing speed of Sokovia's land, to create more impact.

The extermination of all living things on the surface of the Earth had now begun.