- Warmth

Jazmin quickly finds herself feeling aroused by his charming intentions. Who knew he would have a big influence on her like this. No heads up on things like mates, it would have been helpful to know. His dazzling smile and personality fills her with such warmth she had never experienced before. It is such a welcoming feeling in her, a pleasurable feeling it brings. Aston quickly notices her admiring him, he can feel her love for him.

Hours pass, spent trying on all sorts of clothes. Dresses, Jeans, Tops, even shoes. They went and got some amazing pizza from the food court. Jazmin ended up with over 4 full shopping bags of clothes, thanks to Aston, he paid for the trip. Jazmin didn't expect him to, but he did with every store they went to. Was he trying to impress her? Jazmin was thinking he was only doing it to be nice, because why does he need to impress his mate.

"Are you ready to call it a day on the shopping?" Aston asks.