The Ford Empire’s Plan

In the Singler Household's mansion, Jade Kristine was cleaning her cauldron after a tiresome refining process. She has been practicing to refine 4th-Grade Pills, but her success rate still hasn't reached the standard of a Level 4 Alchemist. She could summon her Golden Pill Fire, but she couldn't even refine 4th-Grade Pills. "This is more difficult than I thought..." She muttered.

She already possessed the requirements to become a Level 4 Alchemist, but her refining skill is still not there yet. 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Madam, Sir Aethelwolf and Sir Johann are here. They are waiting for your downstairs." A servant reported to her.

Jade Kristine furrowed her eyebrows when she heard this. "Tell them that I will be there." She said.