Fast Sword’s Name

Night arrived and Albert came back to the mansion with his subordinates. He also brought someone with him. It was a man who was wearing bronze armor and his face could be barely seen because of the hood that covered half his head. 

"Butler Rendell, is Sir Aethelwolf here?" Albert asked the man who received them. It was the newly appointed butler of the household, Rendell Lassiter. 

Rendell smiled at Albert. His gaze moved past the man behind Albert. "This must be Fast Sword? Sir Aethelwolf is waiting for you guys in his study." He said.

"Alright. Thanks." Albert said. He then told his subordinates to return and only brought Fast Sword with him. 


Albert looked at Rendell in confusion. "What is it?" 

Rendell handed him a small jar filled with cookies. "Take this. The young miss might not let you go inside if you don't give her something. I prepared this just in case." He chuckled as he said those words.