Visitors From the Mystic Island

"Sir Gilbert, we must take that weapon from them! I want it in my hands as soon as possible!" Emperor Reagan said with an excited look. He wasn't even worried about the Leone Empire for it was just a small empire in his eyes. 

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" General Gilbert Holt saluted the emperor after getting his command. 

"You can take four hundred thousand soldiers with you. That should be enough to destroy any resistance." Emperor Reagan muttered confidently.

However, General Gilbert shook his head and disagreed with his words. "There is no need to bring so many soldiers, Your Majesty. If I bring a force of that size, our enemies might take the chance to invade us. Furthermore, bringing four hundred thousand soldiers would require a lot of resources and this would be a detriment because the journey to the Leone Empire is quite long. I only need to bring fifty thousand soldiers and I guarantee that the Divine-Rated weapon will be in your hands."