Chapter 2

***Six years later***

I thought everything would be okay; however, now I know I was dead wrong.

Six years have passed since everything started, and the world has dimmed strongly. By that, I mean everything began to fall apart after a month passed. Suddenly, those touched by the red mist who showed no scarring were subjugated to Crimson Slumber, a feral coma in which it kills its host within the next ten years. Millions of people were affected; hospitals everywhere were filled with comatose patients and had little space to operate.

"Even my sister, who saved my life back then... Has fallen to this disease and only has four years left to live."

As research of our powers has advanced, we've learned that it isn't just one singular attribute that was enhanced; it was all of them. But they all differ depending on the person.

"As for me, I have found myself to be slightly stronger, faster, reactive, and vigorous. But another issue with me is that I can't access my weapon or my ability."

Over the course of the research, a singular person had revealed the ability to unleash a weapon from their scar. Later on, those affected by the red mist were able to unlock their weapons. This worried the government, factions, and rules were brought into play... Along with rankings and titles.

The rankings go as such, Severity one to five. Each severity is given based on your weapon. Of course, with random weapons, no one is ever guaranteed a specific severity. But there have been some cases of rare weapon evolutions. Where one severity will change into another permanently. Nobody has ever found out how this was possible, yet they continue to study it whenever it occurs.

Severity weapons are ranked as such; it doesn't matter if they get an outstanding ability; it all comes from the weapon. Which means your weapon is your strength.

Severity 1: Dagger, Sword, Fists/Gauntlets

Severity 2: Claw, Spear, Axe

Severity 3: Katana, Greatsword, Hammer

Severity 4: Great Hammer, Great Axe, Thrusting Weapon

Severity 5: Scythe, Twinblade, Halberd

Along with their abilities, people get all kinds of things, like being able to control an element or even using their blood as a weapon. Of course, with so many infected, the amount of abilities is almost impossible to know. But one thing is for sure. The world has changed, and it's just getting started.


"My sister looks duller every day. I wish you could wake up and eat... I just wish you'd wake up."

Si-Woo sits by his sister's bedside while she sleeps eternally due to the Crimson Slumber.

Quietly a nurse enters the room, closing the door behind her.

"Ah! Si-Woo, you're still here. I thought you would've left by now."

Her hair was cut short and glistened slightly red in the sunlight; her eyes reflected hazel as she opened the window for some fresh air. Her slightly pale skin-brightened as she held her face out the window.

"Mi-Sona, has any more news on Crimson Slumber released recently?"

Mi-Sona pulled her head back in from the fresh air and studied Si-Woo's face steadily.

"Sorry, Si-Woo, I'm afraid nothing new has been released yet. They're doing all they can, but we aren't sure we'll be able to cure anyone anytime soon. I mean, we've tried everything, every medical drug you can think about. Nothing works..."

"I understand; sorry for asking."

Si-Woo's never been good at asking about things. Ever since his mother tried to...

"There's nothing to be sorry about."

Mi-Sona placed her hands on Si-Woo's shoulders and smiled brightly.

"Why don't you head out for today? I'm sure your sister is happy you came to see her again. But you should start taking care of yourself. Or else you might end up all alone and... Stuff."

"Was that supposed to be inspirational?"

"Nope, I just need you to leave so I can make sure your sister's check-up goes well."

"Right, well... I'll be going then."

"Sorry, Si-Woo! Just medical procedure!"

Mi-Sona waves goodbye to Si-Woo as he leaves the medical room.

Those affected by Crimson Slumber are issued regular check-ups to make sure they aren't dying faster than the ten-year expectation.

"Jeez, to think Mi-Sona would be the one who's taking care of Mina today. At least my mind is at ease knowing it's her. Now that I think about it, how long has it been since my father hired her when he was around? Twelve years? Maybe Ten? Oh well... Not like it matters right now. Mina's only got four years left, and I need to figure out how to save her."

Then arose out of nowhere, the answer for those in need.

A blue textbox popped up in front of Si-Woo's face, and it read as such.

The Creator has released a new message.

"Would you like to read it?"

Then followed by a purple check and a gray X.

"The Creator? Wait... what is this? Why is it appearing before me?"

Si-Woo begins looking around at other people, noticing no one else perceives a textbox.

"Could it be only I can see it? But why me?"

Si-Woo stared at it for a while, contemplating his situation. Until he finally caved in.

"Yeah, let me see this message."

As the blue textbox vanished, it expanded and revealed a long letter-like visual, which contained the following message.

"Dear Player, Six Forty-Seven. You have been given a choice to unleash the towers to save those infected by my luxurious curse-."

"Luxurious... Curse? Is it talking about Crimson Slumber?"

Suddenly Si-Woo was getting weird looks from people around him. Causing his body to shutter and freeze up with anxiety.

"I-I should move somewhere secluded."

As Si-Woo makes his way into the alleyways, he finds himself finally alone and continues to read the message.

"The towers are the only way to release those held in the grasp of this curse. Should you accept, a message will be released to the entire world, and towers will appear in every major city... Are you up for the challenge?"

"Towers? A way to cure Crimson Slumber? This can't be serious... no… there's no way it wouldn't be. I mean, only I can see it. Which means I'm the only one with this option."

Suddenly the thought of Mina appeared in Si-Woo's head, and suddenly his body began to react itself. Si-Woo pressed the purple check again, and the screen vanished entirely from his face. Leaving him standing tense and confused in the alleyway.

"Well... That was anticli-."

Instantaneously, a message appeared before Si-Woo's face once again. This time it read:

"Player Six Forty-Seven has confirmed the arrival of the towers; all other players will be allowed to participate in the battle for the curses cure. Should you succeed, you'll find yourself the cure you seek. Should you fail at any point, your life will end permanently. The game has begun, and the towers will arise!"

The planet began shaking viciously, breaking down anything that found itself remaining on its last legs.

Buildings began to collapse as loud noises emitted from the ground. From all over the world, giant black towers started emerging from the planet itself, nearly reaching into space. Every major city held one just as the message said.

Immediately another message appeared.

"With the towers formed, The Creator game begins. Should you find yourself victorious or find yourself dead. Your journey begins, and we wish you the best of luck. Don't disappoint The Creator and fight to save those you love!"

As the message vanished, the entire world's colors inverted for a moment, and everything stopped. As the colors reversed to normal, Si-Woo, found himself on his knees, gripping his chest as his heart throbbed in agony. Those who had scars were granted awakenings to their weapons and powers. This was The Creator's only gift.

"W-What the fuck was that. Towers? Crimson Slumber cure?! W-Where did this come from? Why did I..."

On the streets, people began yelling at each other. Short of breath and strangely exhausted, Si-Woo stumbles towards the roads to see the commotion. As he struggles to reach the alley's exit, he stops, falls to his knees, and immediately vomits.

"W-Why do I feel so sick all of a sudden."

Then a burning sensation flared from his scar. As he reached his left arm over it, he felt nothing but space where his scar was.

"W-What the hell! Where's my scar?! Why is my scar gone!?!"

As he felt around in his scar, he felt an object and quickly gripped hold of it. Then slowly, with a careful pull, Si-Woo began to pull his Severity weapon from his scar. As the handle appeared, he began speculating on what it could be. The blade is quickly pulled out, and his weapon seems in his left hand.

A short handle wrapped in a small red string, with an obsidian blade that glossed when hit with light. His weapon was a Severity one: Dagger. One of the weakest severities now belongs to the weakest user here. Or as the message box calls him.

Title unlocked. "The world's weakest Scar Bearer. Do you wish to wear it?"

"W-Why the hell would I want to wear that!? It's bullshit!"

Si-Woo throws his dagger far behind him into the alley and stands. Walking out to the streets to finally see the commotion.