Chapter 6

Hwan-U sits beside a resting Si-Woo, who is currently sleeping due to the large amount of fatigue he had gathered during the tests. Though these tests are supposed to test the abilities of Scar Bearers, they were never described as easy.

Still, Hwan-U couldn't sit as he continued replaying the tests over in his head and everything Eun-Jeong said.

***Two Hours Ago***

"His Scar Bearer tree's locked by something or someone."

"I've never heard of such a thing before. Did you get an insight of what it could be while you were examining him?"

"No, all I could feel was his dagger's presence; after all, the weapon is the main source to our Scar Bearer's tree; the rest is determined by how the user chooses to train with it."

"This is beyond bizarre, I mean, it's been six years since the red mist, and we've only indeed uncovered so much in so little time."

"Hwan-U, I'll continue to research Si-Woo's powers; I need you to stay by his side while he rests."

Hwan-U nods and leaves with an uneasy feeling in his mind. Eun-Jeong slides in her roller chair towards her desk; she sighs in unwillingness.

"Guess I'm gonna be here all night, might as well get comfortable."

***Current Time: 2:49 AM***

After a few hours of rest, Si-Woo finally awoke, finding himself bruised from the tests. He noticed Hwan-U asleep in the chair beside him as he looked around.

"How can he sleep like that... That has to be uncomfortable."

"Oh good, you're awake."

Si-Woo turned his head towards the door and saw Eun-Jeong standing in the frame with her clipboard.

"Eun-Jeong, what brings you here at this time?"

"I work here, and I'm currently working on a last-minute severity test for a guy named Si-Woo."

"Well, I'm aware of that. But how come you're here, in the room. That I'm resting in..."

"Are you as dense as Hwan-U? I came to get you for the last test."

"But I thought we were gonna do that tomorrow?"

Eun-Jeong looks at her watch and then back up at Si-Woo.

"By my standards, two forty-nine is tomorrow... Just really, really early."

"That seems impractical..."

Eun-Jeong stared at Si-Woo dully before turning her back to him.

"It's time to do your vitality test; come on, up and at em."


Si-Woo leaps out of his bed and leaves the room with Eun-Jeong. At the same time, Hwan-U continues to sleep soundly in his chair.

"Si-Woo, this test will push you to your limits. It's our most painful test, but that's only because we must know your severity ranking. Are you aware of what severity category you are currently in?"

"No, I don't."

"Figures, not many people know the ranking system we use to figure out how strong user's truly are."

Eun-Jeong writes down more notes to assess Si-Woo's potential options.

"Si-Woo, due to your dagger, you're instantly placed in Severity one, and with what I have now, you are far below the average. Hopefully, with the vitality test, you'll be able to push your rank up a few notches."

After reaching the test room, Si-Woo enters with a singular droid standing in the center of the room. His attention locked on it as if he were waiting for it to attack.

"No need to worry yet; I haven't activated it."

The speakers shocked him back into reality, causing him to look up at the booth.

"Good, now that I have your attention, we should begin as soon as possible. This test will be different from the other two you endured a few hours ago. Instead of fighting back, you will be restrained and pushed against your physical capabilities. It will get painful, and you will scream."

"Isn't that a bit sadistic?!"

"Yes, and no. It's just a simpler way to test how long you can last while in pain."

"Tell me the truth, are you a sadist?"

Without responding to Si-Woo's answer, Eun-Jeong pressed the initiation button and started up the black droid, causing Si-Woo to turn and instantly lock hands with it. As it forced Si-Woo to his knees, it began pressing immense weight against him. His wrists felt like they'd break in mere seconds; his knees fired up as they continued smashing against the ground.

"Si-Woo, how are you doing down there."

"Are you kidding me, it hasn't even been two minutes yet, and I already feel like my arms are gonna break."

"Then create resistance and force it back."

"I thought you said I couldn't fight back!"

"You aren't fighting; you're pushing past your limits!"

Si-Woo scarps his right knee against the floor as he forces his right foot on stable footing and struggles to push the black droid back. As he positions his left foot on the floor, he finds himself in a crouched position holding his own against the droid.

"I've gotta get ranked high! I must save Mina! I want to save Mina!! I will save Mina!!"

Si-Woo began breaking through the droid's posture as he started pushing back. The droid takes a step back, and Si-Woo continues pushing forward. Images of Mina flash through his mind while he continues fighting ahead.

"I won't let that title be my reality! I won't' let it be true! I refuse to be known as the weakest Scar Bearer!"

Si-Woo's body finds itself flaring up as he continues to use more stamina than he has. His blood was boiling until---.

Vision blurred, body nonresponsive, Si-Woo lost control and fell as the droid slammed him to the floor.

The test had ended, and Eun-Jeong wrote the rest of her notes before concluding her results.

"Si-Woo, are you still breathing down there?"

No response.

"I'll take that as a yes; I'll be there in just a moment."

Si-Woo lay staring up at the bright ceiling as he could not move; all he could do was talk to himself in his mind.

"Why did I shut down so suddenly... Why can't I fight a stupid robot... Why am I the weakest Scar Bearer."

"Oh, I think I understand now; you're in shock. But I do believe you can still hear me... Move your eyes if I'm correct."

Si-Woo looked over at Eun-Jeong so she could confirm her observation.

"Right so, Si-Woo, after seeing your results through all the tests. I'm afraid you are a rare case—a rare weak case. You see, your attributes aren't as modified as many others are. You lack any additional strength, yet you have a little extra agility. So I guess you've got that going for you. As for your powers, it just seems like you can't do anything because you don't have access to anything. When I examined your Scar Bearer Tree, all your powers and ability appeared as if someone or something had locked them. I don't know what did such a thing or how they even did it. But you are in simpler terms... The weakest Scar Bearer to ever exist."

Eun-Jeong could tell Si-Woo was devastated by her words, even without a reaction.

"For now, you'll have to rest here, as I'm not going to lift you back to the room. Plus, now that you're ranked, I can finally go home."

Eun-Jeong stood up and placed his ranking results beside him before walking out. With his eyes, he could see it ultimately. He was ranked as a Severity one rank F—the weakest of the weak.

***Six hours Later***

Hwan-U had woken up and went to search for Si-Woo and Eun-Jeong. However, he only found an unconscious Si-Woo and also his test results. Instantly looking at them, he realized his plan may have done more than intended. After escorting Si-Woo home, he stayed with him as he recovered. Two days had passed since his test results; since then, all Si-Woo's done is visit Mina and go home. He was trying not to think of how he wasn't strong enough to save his sister, how he was the weakest of the weak.

Si-Woo's eyes were deprived of sleep as he lay on the couch and let the world pass him.

One day, a knock on his door woke him from his depressive state.

*Knock, knock.

With a coarse look at the door, Si-Woo sighed and got up to open it.

"I'm not home right now; come back—."

"Si-Woo! We're going to the tower; get ready right this instant!"

Hwan-U appeared geared up with hand-crafted steel armor that resembled the sun. It looked heavy, but he didn't seem to care.

"I-I-I, what?!"

After being forced into the outside world again, Si-Woo found himself standing before the tall tower in his city.

"Hwan-U, you better start explaining why you brought me, of all people, to the tower."

"You said it yourself; you want to save your sister. Well, now I'm giving you that chance."

"But just the two of us?! We're going to die immediately!"

"That's why we aren't the only ones going in!"

Suddenly a roar of footsteps could be heard from behind as a group of eight individuals approached in different sets of armor and held various amounts of equipment.

"W-Who are they?"

"They're the ones who will help us get to the top of the tower."

Si-Woo pulled Hwan-U close and spoke into his ear.

"Aren't they going to want the Crimson Cures too?! Why would we trust other people if we all have the same objective?!"

"Ah, I figured that might become an issue, but they aren't here for that. They only care about their greedy wealth. So they want any gear or items we find in the dungeon. In exchange for the Crimson Cures."

"Doesn't that mean we come out empty-handed if we fail!"

"If we fail, we're dead, so it's a pretty good deal if you think about it."

"Right, we're dead if we—fail."