Chapter 14

"Are preparation complete?"

"Not quite, Jung-so Park. We're still awaiting the shipment of gear you had purchased from the Americans."

"Of course, I pay them loads of money, and they give me nothing on time. So be it, Mino-ha. Prepare everyone anyway. This tower needs to be beaten once again."

"But sir, without the gear, we'll be weak-."

Slowly an aura of red steamed off Jung-so's body as his eyes glared a bright red at his secretary.

"R-R-Right away, sir!"

Mino-ha rushed out of the room as Jung-so calmed.

"Ignorant people, no one listens unless you have power. Everyone assumes you're nothing at first glance. This world is truly twisted; that's why I'll warp it into how I see fit!"

"Twisted as always, I see."

"That's charming coming from you..."

Jung-so turned his head with an evil grin.

"Scorch Queen, Kina-sa."

"The one and only, but your title still holds higher praise. Scarlet Emperor."

"Both of our titles hold great value, but it's good of you to remember your place. Even after being set as the head guild master."

"Well, of course, I'd never be able to compare to someone as wealthy and powerful."

"That loyalty is precisely why you're where you find yourself today!"

Jung So gets up to pour himself a drink from his most exemplary liquor set.

"Would you like a drink?"

"I mustn't; I must return to ensure the guild is in check."

"Good answer, but if you never let loose once in a while. Then you'll forget everything about your social life."

Jung holds out a drink to Kina and watches her reaction.

"I must be going soon, Jung-so; I only came to let you know that another one of our members has increased in rank."

"Great news, seeing them grow strong is the only reason they're here. Weaklings belong in the ground and the strong deserve to stand on their graves."

"The strong shall rule the world in the end, and the weak will always falter."

"You're just as ruthless as I am."

"I learned from the best."

"You've been blessed, and so have I. You're like the daughter I never had. Instead, I got a useless weakling known as a son."

"I'm honored you see me as one of your own."

"I'm glad, now get back to what you were doing. I've got business to attend to."

"At once, Guild master Jung-so."

Kina-sa leaves as Jung-so sits on his luxurious black leather couch and puts his feet up. Turning on the television and taking a sip of his liquor.

A slight laugh cracked from his mouth as he remembered who and what he was.


In a maximum-security prison explicitly built for Scar Bearers who were arrested for cases of mass murder and terrorism.

A duo of guards dressed in black walked down a narrow path; it was made of concrete and held no windows on either side. The only thing ahead and behind them were doors. As they reached the door, two other guards expressly permitted entry into one cell.

"Prisoner Eight eight seven, step back from the door and wait for the food to come through. If you attempt to pull out your weapon or use your ability, we will be authorized to use force."

The guard began pushing the food through a tiny doorway extensive enough for the tray to make it through. As it enters the room, the guard pulls back, and the remote door closes.

"Enjoy your food, you psychopathic woman."

Inside the cell was a woman with extremely long hair; as it covered most of the ground she sat on, she found herself chewing on her thumbnail, rocking back and forth on her tailbone, with only a single thought rushing through her mind.

"Kill Mori Si-Woo, Kill Mori Si-Woo."

It played over and over.

As we back away, a file appears slightly pulled from its folder, revealing an image of the woman and her name, Yuna Si-Woo.

"So how exactly did we get stuck dealing with this woman?"

"Who? Eight eight seven?"

"Yeah, shouldn't we just put her out for good?"

"We've tried, but every time she dies. She comes back."

"What do you mean?"

"According to our research lab, it seems her ability is known as perpetuity... Or in simpler terms, immortality."

"An ability like that exists?! How did she end up in a place like this?"

"Well, you know how an immortal person tends to lose their sanity the longer they live?"

"Yeah, isn't it like a cliche?"

"Except it's not a cliche. Because she lost all of her sanity the moment she gained her ability."

"You mean..."

"She tried to kill her son on the day the red mist happened then after she got locked up. She killed fourteen prisoners, six guards, and even the warden. That was enough to get her transferred here."

"T-That's insane! Her own son? All those prisoners and guards?! Even the warden!"

"Would you quiet down!... The best thing we can do with her is to keep her locked up. If she attempts to escape, we'll kill her and throw her body back into the cell. That's all we can do."

"This job just gets crazier and crazier by the day."

"You chose this life; just remember that."

"Yeah, I know; I did it because it's what my dad did."

"Really? You never told me that before."

"Come on, I'll tell you over some lunch. I'm starving!"

"Yeah, I am too."


"According to the broadcast, we'll be seeing slight showers within the next few days. After that, it should be smooth sailing with plenty of sunny days. Highs being ninety-six and lows being sixty-three. I'm Yooga-ma, your news channel six weather reporter signing-."

The Tv shuts off as Bu leans back in his chair.

"Rain, huh, that might help in some of our expeditions."

Bu stands up and walks over to one of his windows to look out at the city.

"With such dark clouds, the city still shines bright as ever. Sadly it's polluted with dreadful people, such as my father."

Then he remembered Chi-soo's smile, which caused him to smile.

"But it's also filled with strong people... I wonder how the kids doing."

Momentarily, Bu's phone began vibrating in his pocket, quickly forcing him to pull it out and answer it.


"M-Mr. Park, we have an issue."

"What is it?"

"The head Guild Seer Nari-Seo is onto us."

"Did you eliminate her as I ordered you to?"

"I-I tried, sir, but..."

"But what, Duri-sung?!"

"A dead man appeared and stopped me."

"Duri, explain this insistent!"

"The person you looked into, Mori Si-Woo, appeared as I was about to execute her and stopped me in my tracks."

"That's impossible! He's dead, but he's also an S1 Rank F! There's no way he could-."

"There's no way he could be an S1 Rank F; he could've broken my arm if he wanted to. Not just that, his body, his face, everything about him has changed. It's like he's a whole new person."

Bu began thinking to himself, that's impossible. A dead man has returned to the living as someone completely different from the records.

"Where is he now?"

"I'm watching him from the shadows; currently, he's just talking to the head guilds seer.

"What's your location?"

"I'm near the-."

Bu heard a scream over the phone.

"Duri! Duri! What's happening?!"

Bu listened as two voices could be heard from the other side.

"Who are you working for?"

"Like I'd tell you!"

More screaming appeared as the other voice commanded answers.

"I'll give you to the count of ten, or else I'll remove your heart."

"Go to hell!"

"One! Two!"

The other person began counting as Duri screamed in pain.

"Duri! Just tell him! Duri! Stop being loyal! Please tell him!"

Bu didn't want to lose a good person; he didn't want to lose one of his guild members, one of his family.

"Stop it! Do you hear me! Leave him alone! I swear to god you lay another finger on him; I'll find you and kill you myself!"

Soon enough, someone picked up the phone and began speaking to Bu.

"Your silly games are over, Bu, soon enough. I'm going to bury you and your guild in the ground."

"I-I know that voice... It's you, isn't it, father."

"Good, that means you still remember all those times I beat memories of me into you."

"Yeah... I do, but sooner or later. You're going to regret it. Because I'm going to kill you and make you die a horrid death."

"Such strong talk coming from such a fragile person. You wouldn't know strength even if it was granted to you."

"What did you do to Duri."

"Oh, you mean the shadow stalker? Well, let's just say weaklings belong in the ground."

"You bastard!"

"See you soon, Bu."

The phone hung up, and Bu stood unprepared and in shock.

As he stared at his own reflection in the window, tears began to form in his eyes.

"T-That monster... I'm going to make him pay! I'm going to kill him!"