Chapter 16

*Readers Discretion advised: Strong Langauge


Transported back to the first floor, Mori is placed in front of the entrance. Its message still counting down the time left on it; until his reward activates.

*Tower Recall Reward Activated

Suddenly the timer shot to zero and the pop-up shattered into multiple pieces before dissolving. Shortly after, the door began to open slowly, and the light of the outside world shined brightly on Mori's face.

As he steps outside for the first time in nearly two years. He finds himself face to face with an army of people.

"Someone's coming out, everyone! Hold back!"

Everyone stares as only a singular being stepped out of the tower; then, as the tower's doors close behind Mori, everyone gets an unexpected popup.

*Tower has been completed; finishing up Tower Recall shortly.

Mori looked back at the tower with a bit of surprise.

"So it wasn't a replica; it secretly kept me in the tower. That must mean..."

Mori turned to look at the guild standing before him.

"How long has it been since the Tower's been cleared?"

"Well, nearly two years till you came out."

One member said as everyone continued to stare at him. Their glares were filled with envy, curiosity, and even respect. Mori had no clue on what to do he just stood looking at everyone as they looked back at him.

"My, My, you're becoming a star in such a short time."

From the crowd, Nari-Seo appeared, approaching Mori.

"To think a dead man would reappear after being reported deceased for a while."

Nari extends her hand to shake his, and Mori quickly reacts.

"Your hands are warm, so you aren't a corpse."

"I'd hope not."

The voices of everyone begin overlapping Mori and Nari.

"Shall we take this somewhere else?"

"I'd love to, but-."

"What the hell's going on here?!"

Jung-So broke through his guild members and met up with Mori and Nari.

"Just what the hell is happening. Am I supposed to believe that this guy cleared the tower by himself!"

"It seems so; after all, today is full of many surprises."

"Well, thanks to him, the tower is down for recall. We won't be able to get back into it for another five days."

"Then enjoy some free time off, Jung-So; I'm sure it won't kill you to relax a little."

"That's rich coming from the head guilds seer of Korea."

Suddenly Nari and Jung lock into a stare-off until Mori steps between them with an awkward smile.

"Why don't we just walk together, and I'll answer some of your questions."

"Awfully brave of you to step between two high ranks like that; you must think you're hot shit, don't you."

Jung was prepared to teach Mori a lesson, but Mori wasn't interested, and neither was Nari.

"Enough, Jung. I want to talk to Mori personally, so if you're going to cause issues, then I'll have to report you to the Guild Director myself."

"What's he going to do? Scold me to death?"

"You know damn well he could destroy you and your entire guild at the scribble of his name."

"Ha damn Director and his pawns... Fine, I guess I want to know more about the brat. Get a move on then."

Jung scuffed as he turned to his guild and told them to head out for the day.

As the three began walking, Mori started thinking to himself.

If I tell them about the system, how would they react? Scenarios started playing in his head, of them laughing at him, even some of them worshipping him. Then another one of his abilities being revealed to the world.

"I probably should keep that to myself."

"Keep what to yourself?"

*Embarrassment subdued

"Just the times I was swallowed by monsters and had to kill them from the inside out."

Nari looked at him with disgust, and Jung looked at him with approval.

"Anyway, what did you want to know?"

"How'd you clear the tower all by yourself?"

"That's hard to answer because you might not believe me no matter what I say."

"It doesn't matter what you say, punk; it's already hard to say you cleared it yourself!"

"I guess you could say it was mere luck."

"M-Mere luck?! Are you playing shit for brains or something?"

"You're pretty aggressive for an older guy, aren't you?"

"Older guy! Aggressive! I'll fucking kill you, punk!"

"Sheesh, my bad, my bad."

"Now, now, you two. We still need to know things. We can't if he's dead, Jung. Remember that."

"Tsk, this bitch."

"I'll pretend I didn't just hear that."

Mori's eyes locked with Jung.

"What the hell are you staring at."

*Anger subdued

*Pinpoint Used(LV.4)

"The right side of your neck."

"What about it?!"

"If I strike you there, you'll collapse."

Jung-So's eye twitched, and he realized Mori wasn't joking. He thought to himself, how the hell does this kid know about the sensitive nerve in my neck?

"You truly are something else, punk; if Nari weren't here, I'd probably be putting you into the ground."

"The only reason you can talk big is because Nari is here."

Jung-So's fist clenched as he rearerd back his right arm.

"Jung-So! What are you doing!"

Nari screamed at him as Jung had enough; a red aura started streaming around Jung's fist as he was about to lay it into Mori.

"Teaching this punk a lesson."

*Fear Subdued

Mori thought to himself as he waited. If he hits me with that, it'll do some severe damage. But If I react, then my power will be revealed... I can't show off just yet. I need to dodge it.

Mori's attention suddenly caught onto something else, and simultaneously as Jung came in with a heavy strike, Mori swiftly maneuvered through it and grabbed hold of a forming shadow. Watching the Shadow reform into none other than Duri-Sang, Bu Park's assassin. Nari quickly turned as Mori was already behind her.

"It's not very nice to attack someone from behind."

"H-How did you know I was..."

"Duri-Sang, to think my superstition was correct."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Immediately Jung pushed Nari out of the way and grabbed hold of Mori, ripping him from Duri.

"What are you doing!"

Mori yelled as he watched Duri merge back into the shadows and retreat.

"Are you stupid! You're letting him getaway!"

"I'll deal with him later; you need to be taught a lesson."

Jung prepared for another attack.

"That's enough, Jung!"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat him to a bloody pulp!"

"Because he still hasn't answered our questions, not only that. If you touch even a single hair on his head, then I won't tell you what your son's planning."

"Like I care what my weakling of a son is doing."

"Even if it's to throw you out of power?"

"Like he's even capable of such a thing."

"He has a way to eliminate any Scar Bearer on the planet, and you are his number one target. Once he's fully capable of mastering it, he will come after you and rid you of everything you worked for."

Jung dropped Mori and turned to look at Nari.

"My weakling of a son is capable of killing any Scar Bearer in the world? The amount of bullshit you're spewing is putrid."

"It's the truth, and I know you believe me. Even if it's just slightly."

"Why haven't you reported him to the Guild Director then."

"Because I don't have any solid evidence."

"Of course, you don't."

Jung-So began walking off as he scuffed at Nari's comment.

"My son can't do anything, let alone kill anyone. If you truly believe he'll come after me. Then I'll see for myself."

"You're a damned fool."

Mori and Nari watch Jung leave before Nari sighs in relief.

"It seems a lot has happened while I've been gone."

"When you were first announced dead, the world was still pretty new to the whole Towers situation. Why don't we catch you up over some coffee and a hot meal?"

Mori's stomach growled at the thought of real food.

"I haven't eaten something delicious in quite some time, so I'll take you up on that."

***Present Time***

Bu sits against his window with a wrinkled shirt, messy hair, and bags under his eyes. Ever since the death of Dari-Sung. He's been a complete mess, instructing his members to stay far from the office door. Allowing him to sulk in peace. Empty glasses from his drinking are scattered around the ground as he waits for his father's appearance.

"Kills one of my members, then wants to come to kill his flesh and blood—what a disgusting pest. Kill, money, weak, poor. His morals in just four words. It shows..."

Minutes later, an email is sent to him through his tablet. With hesitation, he picks it up and opens it. Suddenly photos of Mori were sent to him. With a title that says The Dead Returns As A Solo Tower Clearer.

"A solo... Tower clearer? How is that possible?"

Bu continues reading more of the article.

The once proclaimed dead Rank F S1 has returned after clearing the tower by himself; little is known about Mori Si-Woo. But from the records, we were able to find from his testing some time ago. It seems Mori has no unique ability or an ability at all. Leaving an even bigger mystery at play. What else will this mysterious person hold? We'll find out as soon as we can.

"No ability, and was able to clear the tower by himself... His Scar Bearer Tree must be unique. It may contain the key to defeating my father... That's it then."

Suddenly a shred of hope started up in Bu as he forced himself to stand.

"I'm going to get his scar and use it myself."