Chapter 27


"In a drastic turn of events! The person we've identified as Ryker Kalmar has summoned some sort of giant golem-type monster to fight against our hero Bu Park! Just how will Mr. Park hold up against a formidable foe!"

Jihyo watches the news broadcast on the television as she's balled up on her couch. Current events filled her with many emotions, anxiety, fear, sadness, and hopelessness. She couldn't help but feel so much dread, even with her black cat Biscuit beside her.

"Mori, just why are you doing all this... What do you gain from hurting others?"


"I know, Biscuit, I'm holding onto someone I barely know."

Biscuit begins cleaning herself as Jihyo watches her.

"At least I have you by myself..."

She picks Biscuit up and holds her.


"Thanks for being with me."

***Four years ago***