[Bonus chapter] #1

[Readers Discretion Advised: Language]

**Takes Place Before The Fight With Ryker!**

"Next, you'll add three eggs and gently mix them in the bowl. Make sure to add a little bit of salt and pepper to give it some flavor! That's what we're always aiming for, a good balance of flavor and quality."

The chef continued making food on the television, allowing Jihyo to follow along easily. As she poured the mixed eggs into a pan on mild heat, she waited for it to begin cooking.

"Now, make sure you don't burn the edges. So jab at them gently enough, so they don't break."

Jihyo got distracted watching the Masterchef at work. Completely forgetting she was supposed to be following along. As she looked at her pan, her head instantly jerked back to the television, then back to the pan. It started burning with haste.

"O-o-oh, this isn't working... I'm so bad at cooking! I can't even make a simple omelet!"

Jihyo scraped at the burning eggs, turning them into scrabbled in seconds.