Chapter 6

There was not a single person in the city of Ignea who did not recognize Lars Af Dracas. He was the talented young man who had many accomplishments throughout his music career. At the age of only eighteen years old, he rose to fame. Now his name had known widely in the country, either they were female or male, young or old people, all of them knew who Lars was. 

He was referred to as the 'Young man with gold voice' and that was the title given to him by them when they heard his voice for the first time. Thanked to his talent in singing, he made himself reach to the top of his career and became famous. And during his career, there were so many achievement that he got from releasing album song and other stuffs related to his singing. 

People used to call him Giok. The name came from agate, a shining and eye-catching stone. They gave him that nickname because of his beauty face, who made whoever saw him would immediately head over the heel for him.

Although his everyday life before today was so locked into the idea of making music and pursued his career, this time, Lars would start living a normal life like a young man his age. One of the most common things in teenager's life is going to school and that was what Lars going to do today. His busy life in the music industry had hampered his education and that what made Fanny and Baron concerned about Lars's future. Thus, they gave an advice to him about entering high school and continued his delayed education. Fortunately, Lars did not refuse their suggestion.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning when Lars finally arrived at the School Academy L 1485, where he was going to start his study. It was prestigious school which was covered the area of about two hectares. As the car in which he was riding begin to enter the front yard of the school, a loud cheering had already filled the area.

The front school building had already packed by a sea of people since before Lars came. They who majority were girls, made themselves as good looking as possible so they would feel confident meeting Lars. And as soon as they saw him coming, they started screaming excitedly, welcoming him delightfully.

"Please, stop the car here." Lars instructed. His car stopped right at the middle of sea of people

"Yes, young master." the driver responded obediently as he braked the car.

Lars glanced over the windows and stared at the people outside the car for a moment. He then took off his glasses and waved his hand to them. The next second, the people outside the car responded with loud cheering for Lars.

They who considered themselves as Lars's admirer came to see Lars without empty handed. Most of them brought a bouquet or chocolates, and other stuff as a gift. Having seen all the students welcoming him made him smile faintly from behind the window. He did not expect that he got so much attention and great enthusiasm from everyone in the school.

The driver got out from the car and went to open the door for Lars in the crowd that gathered around the car as soon as the car stopped a while ago. "Excuse me, ladies. Please make a way for young master Lars." He asked politely, trying to make step aside so his master could get out of the car immediately.

Lars gave a faint smile as he put on his glasses again. When he did that, the girls who could not take their eyes off him suddenly felt attack and became weak by his smile that successfully warmed their heart. The loud screams once again echoed through the blue sky. Rather than listening to the driver's request, they came closer to the car all together until it finally made the atmosphere turned to be uncontrolled. 

The teachers had no choice but to step in and forced them to make a way. However, it took quite long time for them to handle the situation. Meanwhile Lars, he could only give a smile from inside the car even though there was still a commotion outside. Fifteen minutes had passed, and finally the students outside were not in the way again. They lined up at side road, waiting for Lars to emerge from the car.

Lars showed off his charming face as well as his smile that never fade. As he smiled, a dimple appeared on his left cheek. His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down toward a flinty jaw. 


Lars stood up in front of the car and stared at the students who patiently waited for him while slinging his bag over his shoulder. He then took off his glasses and all the girls immediately captivated by his good look. Especially his mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigor of youth. They shone brightly like two sapphires dipped in milky pools. It was not that they overreacted, but his charm could hypnotize those who saw him.

"Thank you for your all of you who took the time to greet me, my friends. I'm glad I go to this school. I have been waiting for opportunity to continue my study here and the day finally come. I hope you will treat me well and befriend with all of you. Thanks again."

Lars greeted delightfully, showing his gratitude to his new friends before he finally stepped forward and headed to the headmaster office.

"Follow me, I will take you to the headmaster's office." One of the teachers stated as she showed up in front of Lars.

"Thank you so much." Lars responded with a warm smile. A second later, he followed the teacher from behind.

Lars did not have time to spend with his friends as he still had other thing to take care of and that was the reason why he left immediately without having conversation with them. However, the girls kept chasing after Lars whenever he went. 

Meanwhile inside the school area, there was a beautiful student with shoulder-length loose hair, wearing pink cardigan who was walking in the school's corridor alone. As she walked, she looked her surrounding and soon wondered about the unusual atmosphere in the school. Her name was Alisa Fon Vamalia.

"Where are all the students? Why is this school suddenly become so quite, did something happen? Don't tell me that I'm late." Alisa muttered to herself. 

The girl spontaneously looked at her watch to check the time but nothing was wrong, it was still ten pass nine o'clock in the morning. She came to school at the right time and the class had not started yet. Despite that, nothing could explain the situation to her. Where are all the students this morning? Why do they disappear all of sudden?

Brimming with curiousness, she explored each class she passed by and peek on it. However, she did not find anyone there.

"It's so weird, where the hell is everyone? Did I miss something important today? I'm sure today isn't a day off so where are they?" She muttered to herself once again while scratching her head that suddenly felt itchy out of nowhere.


She then continued walking while bearing confusion inside her head. She was distracted by a lot of question that she did not focus and looked ahead when she was walking, thus bumped into someone who crossed a path with her. As soon as she snapped out of it, she immediately bowed her head and apologized.

"My apologies, this is my fault. I was spacing out. I'm deeply sorry." Alisa stated, feeling regret immediately. She kept bowing her head until she got the answer from the person she bumped into.

"No worries, it's not a big of deal." The person responded with smile.

Alisa raised her head and in an instant, her gaze met with his eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before she finally said words to him. "Here, your book." She handed over the book that fell down to the ground when they bumped into each other.

"Thank you." The person gave a short response and a smile. He immediately walked passing Alisa after receiving the book without telling his name.

Alisa turned around, planning to ask the person's name but before she was able to shout, someone had called out her name first.



Alisa quickly turned her sight toward the other side and found her friend up there not far from where she was standing.

"Ivy!" Alisa called out to her friend while waving her hand and so was Ivy. Then she ran toward her friend, forgetting about the boy she was planning to ask for a name.

In different area of the same school, Lars was already inside the headmaster's office. His gaze fixed on the man who was about fifty old years.

"So, your name is Lars Af Dracas, son of Baron Magnus Af Dracas and Fanny Af Dracas. Is the information right?" the man questioned Lars while holding a paper that seemed like identity information. 

He thoroughly read all the information written on it, making sure that there was not any mistake so both Lars and the school would not face trouble in the future.

"That's right. My name is Lars. I bet everyone here knows my name, including you, sir. Am I right?" Lars responded with confident as he took his glasses off. He gave his best smile he ever had.

He looked quite calm despite the principal who sat in front of him kept throwing question at him like he was interrogating him.

"Congratulation, starting from today, you are officially one of our students." the principal said evenly. He got up from his chair while extended his hand to Lars, asking for a handshake. Lars did the same and shook the principal's hand.

Thank you for accepting me in this school, sir. I will definitely focus on my study here and obey all the rules of this school." Lars regained smile as he spoke. Those words sounded like they were full of commitment. 

The principal smiled back at Lars. However, there was a meaning behind it, like he had won over something. And there was only one reason that could explained his action. Now that Lars went to this school, he knew his school would be centre of public's attention soon because Lars had a great influence to the public and his presence would attracted everyone.