Chapter 18

The Las Generation Of Werewolves

Chapter 18.

Chapter 18.

"Finally what I've been waiting for has come too," Alisa raved, several times she was seen licking her lips which were starting to drool.

Lars also looked disdainfully at his own sister, feeling Alisa like someone who had never been fed. Alisa also puffed her cheeks, when Ludra muttered that at least that's what Alisa heard faintly.

"Brother, who told you to cook fried rice for that long? The maid only needed fifteen minutes to cook the fried rice, while Big Brother..." Alisa let out a long breath, "More than thirty minutes for Big Brother to make just one plate of fried rice, ish … Ish…. Then Big Brother is just like a snail."

Alisa shook her head, crossing her arms across her chest. Ludra did not accept being dubbed a snail while he was tired of making very special fried rice just for Alisa.

However, Alisa's response made Ludra want to curse himself, "You are ungrateful. It's good that I wanted to make it, but instead I'm called slow," he muttered, then turned around and intended to return to the kitchen.

Before Ludra could leave, Alisa first grabbed her sister's wrist. Ludra restrained himself from turning around, at least he had to keep his pride in front of Alisa.

Finding Ludra who didn't want to turn around, made Alisa not lose her mind. Alisa is not a stupid girl who will just give up to get whatever she wants.

"Okay, I admit I'm wrong. I'm not a good sister to you. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I take back everything I said earlier, but you have to forgive me," Alisa coaxed, while putting on a sad face and her eyes also flashed a regretful light.

Ludra who originally didn't want to turn around and maintain his pride, finally softened as well. How could he ignore Alisa like that? Ludra will not be able to hold a grudge for Alisa for long.

Ludra finally dropped his gaze on Alisa, he let out a rough breath which not long after he gave a meaningful smile.

Alisa also interpreted that smile as compulsion, but she pretended not to notice it and hugged Ludra instead. Since Ludra's return, during that time Alisa has often made Ludra annoyed and angry.

Alisa and Ludra, like a dog and a cat who never get along, but they are also like a shirt and pants that will always complement each other.

"I'm sorry brother for making you angry," said Alisa, sounding sincere.

Ludra also stroked his sister's hair gently, "It doesn't matter my brother. You are never wrong. Brother should apologize for making you wait so long."

After hearing Ludra's confession, Alisa hastily released her arms and immediately Ludra realized that he had been trapped in Alisa's pranks for the umpteenth time.

"I've heard it myself brother, that I'm never wrong. So, I don't need to go back on my words anymore. That way, this Big Brother really is as slow as a snail… Hahaha."

Alisa again teased Ludra as 'Snail' and he also laughed very satisfied. Ludra could only sigh, strengthening his heart so as not to be provoked by emotions just because of small things.

Alisa is still laughing, even she is very happy, feels like she always wins. Without feeling guilty, Alisa sat down and started eating her sister's fried rice.

Ludra finally chose to just go. However, before that Ludra first stroked Alisa's hair, then he swung his legs and went to the kitchen. Even though he was ridiculed by Alisa, he didn't really feel hurt, let alone hold a grudge against his little sister.

Alisa smiled and felt happy in her heart because she was the luckiest to have a figure like Ludra in her life. Not only acting as a brother, but Ludra is like a friend, a friend that Alisa can use as a place to tell stories.


Several days have passed. Ludra finally decided to go back to school with Alisa. Alisa gave a warm welcome to her sister because she had wanted Ludra for a long time to return to school.

Today, Alisa does not stop smiling, she is dressed so beautiful. Unlike usual, Alisa spent quite a long time just looking in the mirror.

"Hey, look! What time is it? How much longer are you going to keep standing in front of the mirror?" Ludra grumbled, without Alisa realizing she was already in her room.

Alisa turned around, "Since when have you been there?"

Ludra stomped his foot towards Alisa who looked confused. "I've been standing since thirty minutes ago, when you were constantly babbling incoherently in front of the mirror."

Alisa covered her mouth with both hands, "So… Brother…"

Instantly Alisa's cheeks turned red and was caught by Ludra's net. "Brother what?" He touched Alisa's forehead with his index finger and pressed it until Alisa's head moved back.

"Ouch… It hurts," Alisa grumbled, touching her forehead which had been pressed quite hard.

Ludra, who originally turned his back on Alisa, immediately looked at his younger sister's eyes. I don't know what Alisa needs to prepare again? Ludes looked at Alisa from top to bottom and felt that his sister was very ready.

"What did you see brother?" Alisa said, "Don't try to think weird, Sis. I'm your sister and not your wife," he added, covering his chest with both hands.

Alisa acts as if Ludra is looking at her body and is thinking about something bad, sexual things.

Seeing Alisa's attitude like that, it felt like Ludra wanted to laugh. "I'm not that stupid. After all, you're not the woman of my dreams. So naturally, you wouldn't make me desire to do such things."

Ludra laughed triumphantly, he died a sentence that made a deep impression on Alisa's mind. The girl felt embarrassed, her cheeks immediately turned red, it felt like Alisa wanted to dig a big hole and hide in it.

Ludra was already standing near the door, "Hey, don't daydream!" he snapped which made Alisa wake up from her daydream. "Hurry up or we'll be late!"

Ludra left Alisa's room "I will wait for you downstairs!" He shouted from outside the room.

Alisa immediately felt annoyed, she ruffled her hair which she had previously styled.

"Watch out, Sis. I'll repay you later!" growled Alisa seemed to be clenching her hands and felt very angry, at the same time did not accept her sister's words.

After regaining consciousness, Alisa rushed to grab the bag that was on the bed. Before leaving, Alisa first tidied her hair which she had disheveled.

Ludra was waiting in the car while humming along with the song he was playing. Five minutes later, Alisa finally came out of the house with a still annoyed expression on her face. Ludra immediately guessed that his words had hurt Alisa a lot.

However, when Alisa entered the car and closed the door violently, Ludra didn't have the slightest intention of apologizing and instead, he deliberately played high-pitched music at a very loud volume, which made Alisa even more irritated.

Meanwhile, Alisa chose to ignore it, she took the earphones out of the bag, then used them with her smart phone.

Alisa covered her ears with the earphones and chose to look at the window on the left.

Ludra chuckled amusedly, feeling a little guilty for upsetting Alisa, but he was also happy that he had succeeded in making his sister angry and Ludra didn't regret it at all.