Chapter 20

The Last Generation Of Werewolves

Chapter 20.

"Please, anyone help me?" Ludra tries to free himself from the snares of the girls who idolize him so much.

Ludra shouted, he raised his hand for Alisa to help him, but Alisa didn't care at all. From a distance, Alisa really enjoyed the spectacle featuring Ludra who was surrounded by dozens of women.

After being pressed for thirty minutes, Ludra finally breathed a sigh of relief when several teachers began to arrive and break up the crowd there.

Ludra was pulled out for a breath of fresh air. Had he been there a few more minutes, don't know what would have happened next? Ludra held his chest which felt tight, the teachers helped Ludra by giving him first aid.

Some of the girls who were there tried to help, but Ludra immediately refused and so did the teacher who was helping Ludra regain his stability.

"You guys are so outrageous. How can you act like the starving animals earlier? Haven't you thought about the repercussions of your treatment of Ludra?" snapped one of the teachers, who couldn't contain his emotions.

The students, who were mostly women, lowered their heads. Previously they had not thought that this action would be fatal to Ludra.

Seeing Ludra who had difficulty breathing and had to be assisted with a respirator, made every girl's heart feel guilty. If only they weren't as vicious as animals fighting for food, then Ludra would be fine.

"Excuse me sir!"

All they can say is sorry. The specially prepared gifts would no longer be of any use. They only hurt Ludra instead of welcoming him happily.

"You guys...." The teacher hung up on his words. He wanted so badly to scold every student and give them punishment, but Ludra held him back.

Ludra, who felt better, his breath stabilized again, finally asked his teacher not to punish the students who had almost lost his life.

Ludra believes that the actions they have taken are still at a reasonable stage and can still be forgiven. Therefore, Ludra asked that his friends be released from punishment.

The Mathematics teacher could only take a deep breath, then smiled gently at Ludra while stroking the young man's hair, "You are indeed a good-hearted child. You are proud of you, Ludra. I hope that your other friends can imitate your attitude."

The adult male headmaster's gaze was very cold towards his students, but he immediately changed his attitude to melt when he met Ludra directly.

"All of you thank Ludra because if it wasn't his request that freed you, then Father would not hesitate to punish all of you. Understood!"

The teacher also added that if this incident were to happen again in the future, then no one would be able to escape punishment.

Ludra nodded his head, agreeing with the headmaster's words. Finally the students were dismissed, they returned to their respective classes with mixed feelings. Meanwhile, Ludra was still holding his breath again, he was relieved to be free from his friends who idolized him so much.

"Sorry for their animal-like behavior. After this, you will make sure that they will not do something inappropriate like that," said the principal, bowing his head, feeling ashamed in front of Ludra for not being able to educate his students. students there properly.

Ludra smiled gently, "You don't have to apologize and bow your head like this. I have forgiven them, after all they may just miss me, but their way is wrong. I can understand it, sir. So, you don't need to feel guilty. like that."

Ludra once again amazed the teachers there and respected Ludra even more. Even though Ludra is the son of a wealthy businessman and already has a big name of his own, Ludra remains humble and shows an open-minded attitude.

As wise people always say, 'Be like rice, the more it contains, the more it bends down' and Ludra also showed that attitude.

He does not hesitate to help his fellow friends, also always obeys school rules and respects people who are older than him.

Ludra finally returned to his class, the teachers dispersed and headed for class. It was time for class to start because there was such an incident, making teaching activities a bit delayed.

Alisa, who had been watching from a distance, was both happy and proud of her sister.

"He's my man, my great brother," Alisa mumbled while enjoying the ice cream that was left with a few more bites.

"He really deserves an award as actor of the year ...." Alisa clapped her hands without anyone asking, then felt happy and proud.

"Well I met him and congratulated him on the drama that happened earlier." Alisa closed her words as she finished the ice cream in her hand.

Alisa swung her legs, then went to her class. The bell had rung several times and Alisa had to be in her class now.


Hashim ....

Meanwhile, Nicu feels that his current body condition is excellent. He just kept sneezing for a short time.

A friend who was there also advised Nicu to check his condition at the clinic or at least take medicine. However, he refused and felt it would be fine.

Before school hours started, Nicu intended to meet Lars in person as Baron Magnus wanted, but when he was very close to Lars he immediately stopped his intention.

For some reason, Nicu found it hard to look directly at Lars? He was too nervous to just say hello. Until finally, the sneezing appeared.

"Do I have the flu?" Nicu muttered in astonishment, "I don't think this is possible... Is it possible?"

Nicu still can't analyze the disease he is currently suffering from. Sneezing for a long time does not mean he has the flu, because he does not experience other symptoms such as nasal congestion, red eyes and fever.

Nicu feels fine, it's just that he keeps sneezing. When paused, then a few minutes later he would sneeze again.

"Isn't it possible that this is the effect of my proximity to Prince Lars? I usually stay close to him at a very close distance, even closer. However, nothing like this has ever happened. How strange," he thought, scratching his head. .

He'd been by Lars's side all this time, watching him most of the time, but never once had anything happened to him let alone sneezing like this. Nicu continues to try to treat himself by taking some medicinal pills from herbal plants to reduce his illness.

"Hopefully this doesn't last long or I'll look weird later."

Nicu can only hope that the medicinal pills he takes will be useful in eliminating the disease that is in him. At least muffle his sneezes so he doesn't come out as often as before.

Nicu decided to go back to class after the sneezing had subsided and could breathe a little easier. When he was about to enter the classroom, at that moment Nicu was surprised by a figure that made his body tremble violently.

"They ..."