Chapter 40


After explaining the story. Troy takes Anjali and the other doctors to meet his boss--Nalendra who is still in the car.

Meanwhile, Nalendra, who was in the car, was playing with his cellphone.

Unlike Troy's previous statement, which said that his boss suddenly collapsed in the office. However, the proof is that Nalendra is still healthy without showing any symptoms of severe illness.

Nalenra continued to play with the expensive 15 million cell phone. He rubbed his cell phone screen. He is opening a photo gallery. One of Nalendra's favorites is the photo of Anjali.

"My boss is still in the car, Doctor." Troy's voice was clear. Nalendra realized that Troy was close to him.

He hastily turned off his cell phone and put it in his jacket pocket. After that he lay down on the chair with his eyes closed.

Troy was near the car. As soon as possible he opened the car door.

"He's a doctor, please."