Chapter 63

Chapter 63

After eating the grave together with Jayusman Batubara. Baby and Hendar finally arrived home too.

"I'll go first," said Baby, walking away first.

"Hendar, Baby!" called Ika Ayu, Hendar's mother who came down from the second floor.

"It's bad, mama," Hendar and Baby panicked.

The two of them were caught in the house after leaving.

"Where have you been? Just got home this late?" he asked as he descended the steps.

Baby and Hendar haven't answered anything yet. The two of them just smirked showing their white teeth.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time, but I can't find you anywhere," he continued asking.

"Hm… From….," Hendar nervously ran out of words.

"Why dear? Mama just asked where have you been, just returned home this late at night?"

"That's mama… We just had dinner out," Baby said depressedly. As long as he said so that his mother-in-law would not suspect.