Chapter 75

He explored every corner of his wife. Everything looks beautiful to the eye. How amazed Hendar was at Baby's beautiful face.

Until, "Hm…." Baby roared like a kitten trying to grab a neighbor's foreign fish.

After that, Baby opened his eyes.

"Good morning, my dear. How was your rest? Did you sleep well?"

Having just seen the world, Baby has been presented with a beautiful view of her handsome husband.

"Good morning too," he replied and sat back down.

"How are you baby, are you feeling better?" she asked again, stroking Baby's mane to the cheek.

"I feel better than before. Thank you for taking good care of me," Baby said smiling.

The smile that Hendar always missed is now back. It was a really tiring day yesterday.

Everyone panicked and worried. However, the storm had passed. Baby has also come home well. Even though he had to lose his memory.