chapter 105

Leave the story at home, better go see how Ara's interview goes at work.

One of the private companies that are looking for employees in the marketing department.

Ara who really came late had to accept the bitter pill of her life.

"Why are you still coming here?! You came late. The interview is over. Go quickly!:

Ara knew he was late, but he shouldn't have yelled at her.

"But, sir."

"No buts! Go quickly!"

It's useless for Ara to complain, yet she too is finally rejected.

"Hurry up, or I'll have to call security to kick you out of my office!"

Ara gave up. Okay, he was wrong. So there's no need for that person to call security to kick him out. Ara will go right now

Ara left the office feeling disappointed. He was sad that his opportunity to work in this office failed.

Ara is pensive because she certainly can't make her family's life better.