chapter 112

"How is it Sung Chan? What should we do?"

Panic ensued. Ara would not have guessed that she would be found so easily.

"How did the soldiers know about this place? I was very careful to come to this place!"

Sung Chan was annoyed with himself. He, who had been so careful not to be followed, had to be found out so soon.

"Sung Chan! Get out of here. We know you're in! Get out quickly, and Her Highness Princess Ara must be inside too! Hurry up and get out! Or we'll be forcibly entered!"

The soldiers who already know Ara's whereabouts try to enter by force, if Ara and Sung Chan don't come out.

Think. Sung Chan thinks how to get Princess Ara out of this house. And Ara herself looks so panicked.

If he gets caught, it is certain that he will be severely punished by King Taeyong. And Sung Chan. Somehow what would happen if he was caught? Ara panicked at the thought of it.

"How is it, I don't want to be caught? Sung Chan!"