chapter 114

Ara keeps pulling Nana's hand and doesn't want Nana to go out.

He said it was better for Sung Chan to go, rather than Nana.

"You don't go. If you go then what will I do?"

Ara has gone too far. He couldn't read her condition. How could she keep a man from leaving.

"That's enough Your Majesty. Let him go. If he doesn't go our lives will be in danger, Your Majesty."

Sung Chan took action. He pulled Ara's hand to let Nana leave the hut.

So it looks like Ara is in the middle of two handsome men who are her idols.

Sung Chan and Nana. That's how Ara feels very happy.

"That's it. You two better stay here," Ara forced.


Then, in unison the two men answered together.

Because of that compactness Ara became surprised. He let go of Nana's hand while Sung Chan let go of Ara's hand.

"Please sir, if you wish to come out!" Sung Chan gently asked Nana to leave without worrying about Ara's feelings.