Chapter 147

"Assalamualaikum," I greeted.

I began to take these two feet, and slowly left this cemetery. I won't cry over this anymore. I've had enough grieving, I don't need to linger in sadness for long.

The world is still wide, the journey of my life is still long. I don't have to regret what happened. Let it be the past that will always be stored in my beautiful memory.

Start a new life. Forget this, and look to a more beautiful future.


dem.... dem....

City noise. More and more high-rise buildings. Offices and shopping centers are more dominant than ordinary houses.

The green expanse of the trees is no longer visible. The condition of this city is getting arid. The air pollution is also very bad. This city has changed a lot after three years I've been gone.

Yes Three years. It's been three years. It really is very different. It's really very unfortunate. Why isn't this city getting better, and only getting worse?